Tips for Choosing Storage Facilities in Bristol for Personal & Business Purpose

Until the need arises for anything we do not think about their existence around us, and this stands true when it comes to the storage of personal or business belongings. Some of you might be aware of the availability of professional solutions regarding this and others maybe not. Therefore this post will introduce the readers to the facility that is available for small or big scale and to keep the articles safe & secure.

These are proving beneficial in terms of space & strict monitoring for articles. Renting the space when you are having renovation at home or commercial place or during relocation seems to be a much hassle-free solution. Such Storage Facilities in Bristol offer their professional assistance to manage the packaging & storing of boxes. They have the infrastructure specially equipped with surveillance devices, experts help for documentation & also free transport service to make the movement of item easy.

Despite all the favorable factors, it is required to keep a few things in mind when choosing the reputed name in your city. Take the below points into the consideration for the help.

• Location: It will be wise to take note of the distance from your home or office. The proximity makes access to the belonging easy & quick. Furthermore, it will be convenient in saving the cost of transportation while moving the boxes to the location.

• Operational Hours: This aspect holds importance when it comes to a business document or article storage. In case of urgency, the service providers having significant hours will prove to be the best to choose when individuals have a tight schedule.

• Terms of Rates & Payment: Do not overlook this factor as it will become the key factor in making the final choice. Get the complete break-up of the weekly fee or for a long-term storage facility. Additionally, also discuss the mode of payment & terms related to the same.

The above are quick tips to locate the professional Storage Facilities in Bristol. If still confused there is a service provider known as Stashed Away, who are ticking all the check-boxes to choose them over others. Their team assistance & quality of facilities is making them a recognized name in this sector. Thus, consult with them to find out more about their process to handover the task of personal & business storage.

Advantages of a Choosing Professional Business During Building Works for Storage of Belongings

In everyone’s home, there are various items that are expensive or have significant value. The same can be said for offices and other commercial places. Without a doubt, no one would want them to be damaged or scratched. However, there is a fair chance of experiencing the aforementioned during the property renovation work. Therefore, during restoration, an extra effort regarding their storage and handling is required. No doubt it is a hectic task and miserably failing in doing the same is quite possible.

Hence, turning up to the professional people who have experience in carrying out the storage task will be a wise decision. Fortunately, some companies offer their solution that can be obtained during the ongoing Building Works for Storage in Bristol. Reaching them will not only give you enough space to keep the article stacked properly but also ensure the safety of them. While moving the belongings at different locations in-home or house there is a chance that a few things can get misplaced, but with experts, this factor can be eliminated.

In addition to this, such facilities also come with advanced infrastructure equipped with devices. These control the temperature and other environmental factors to avoid any damage to articles. Furthermore, there are also fire alarms and surveillance cameras to keep a constant check on the stored items. These services, when handling the storage, takes control from the beginning which includes offering boxes and packaging items to wrap the belongings.

All the above facilities can only be obtained and enjoyed if you seek assistance from a reputed name in the market. Thus, when searching for professional help during the Building Works for Storage of your valuable belongings choose Stashed Away. They are known for offering their exceptional service keeping clients’ requirements and demands a priority. Their professional team assists from choosing the box sizes to fulfilling the documents related to items for a quick process. Clearly, it is a reliable place for keeping the items safe for a definite time period.

Video: Think outside the box

Think a card board box is just a card board box? Think again: This video shows six genius and creative ways to make the most out of a simple card box. This is not just a great way to create additional storage space but also to get creative with the kids.


Reasons to Utilize Professional Solution of Storage for Home Renovation

The home remodelling is not a one day task but requires a lot of professional effort. Before it begins there comes to the need of shifting of belongings which are clearly cannot be avoided. Ignoring this can lead to a lot of damage and destruction which none would like to experience. Therefore, as much the experts’ assistance is required for doing the material selection, fitting or painting that much it is necessary to have a professional solution for storage. Fortunately, there are now many companies that are offering similar support. Though, for utilizing the same it is important to have knowledge how to take the complete advantage of it.

For the help read the post till the end to take consideration of things that can be put at the Storage for Home Renovation. The first and the most important item which should be kept on the priority are documents. These fall into the category of the most imperative articles to be safe and secure. It will avoid them getting soiled or tore apart while the remodelling task is going on. The second most essential entities are fragile glassware that is precious too. These are the most vulnerable items at home which can easily get into the piece by merely getting a slightest hit during the movement from a room to another.

Apart from these during the residential remodelling, kitchen wares always take a lot of space which hinders the work but also at the same time is required instantly. Henceforth, the professional Storage for Home Renovation will be the best solution to store them for the few hours by paying the charges. All these above are giving the right reasons for reaching out to the service providers. Thus, take the help of internet and shortlist the best-reviewed and rated company.


10 simple ways to save money on your energy bills

Saving money on your energy bill isn’t that difficult if you follow a few very simple steps. Amazingly, each one of the tips below can save up to £211 a year. That’s equal to over 2 months of free energy for the average household.

Wash your clothes at 30 degrees
Washing your clothes at 30 degrees can save up to £7 a year on your energy bills.

Dry your clothes on a washing line or a clothes horse
If the weather’s good and you have space, dry your clothes on a washing line, or a clothes horse, to save £30 a year.

Only boil the amount of water you need
You can save up to £6 a year by only boiling the water you need when using the kettle.

Turn the thermostat down a notch
Turning your thermostat down by one degree can save you £80 a year.

Turn your appliances off standby
Turn your appliances off by the switch to save £35 a year.

Turn off the lights
You could save £13 off your annual energy bill if you switch off the lights when you leave the room.

Shower for a minute less
Cut your shower time by one minute and save £7 a year on your energy bills.

Wash up in a bowl
Don’t keep the tap running. Use a bowl of water to do your washing up and save £25 a year.

Fill up your washing machine when doing a wash
If you can, wait until you have enough dirty clothes before putting a wash in. You could save £5 on your yearly energy bills.

Swap your bath time for a 5 minute shower
And finally, you’ll save £10 on your energy bills for every 2 people that choose to have a 5 minute shower instead of a bath.

Source: Energy Saving Trust

VIDEO: Inspirational ways to get your Christmas decorations sorted the DIY way

Christmas is well underway and it’s a great time to start decorating your house for the festive season. But why not going DIY this year with these simple but genius Christmas decorations ideas? You do not just save money, you also do something good for the environment by using recycled materials. Here are 12 inspirational ideas to get the house ready for the best season of the year.

3 Things you Need to Know before Choosing Student Storage Professional Facility

You might have listened to this many times from your seniors or close ones that university life is the best phase in everyone’s life. A student there does not only put efforts in scoring good grades for a degree but also struggles daily to explore things around meanwhile making friends. These create long lasting moments to remember and cherish for a lifetime. While studying, you will also realise that you are on a constant move and that too not only on campus but also to many places for internships, vacations and more. All these make it a little difficult to keep belongings arranged and secured at the place.

For this reason, it is recommended to avail the service of Student Storage in Bristol. Acknowledging the inconvenience of storing articles temporarily, many professional service providers are offering their assistance for it. Simply, by taking account of three imperative factors you can approach them with your belongings. The first factor is to get the information about how you will get back your stored articles as the student does not have the facility of having a car or any other conveyance. For this, those who offer the facility of delivering the package at the required place, it will be better to choose them.

Second, enquire about their insurance formalities so that you have peace of mind regarding any damage. And, also ask about their refund policies for any extra charges or security deposits taken from you. Thirdly, it is important to have the flexibility for the withdrawal of your articles at any time of the year while studying. Thus, those who have flexible and operational time will be favourable to the student. Undeniably, all the aforementioned will help in finding a suitable Student Storage facility provider.

In case doubt persists for making the right decision, approach Stashed Away. From many years they are offering their assistance by operating seven days a week with skilled and trained professionals. Along with this, their equipped infrastructure which has surveillance and temperature control devices for precautions has made them a reputable and reliable name in the market.


How to stay positive during Lockdown 2.0

Another lockdown is coming! A scenario no one wanted to see will become reality once again. For at least another month we will be forced to stay home, join in a Sunday-evening family quiz on Zoom, stay away from pubs and restaurants and work from home. As we all know from earlier this year, lockdowns are daunting and tough to cope with. Therefore it’s more important than ever to look after our mental and physical well-being in order to stay positive throughout this period. The good news, there are many tips and tricks to stay on top of things. Here are six tricks you should give a try:

  1. Set three goals for the day

If you set three attainable goals for each day, you build momentum. Ticking things off is a great counterbalance to inertia and halts self-criticism in its tracks. It reinforces a belief that you’re making progress. This develops your self-belief and enables you to push on when things are more difficult.

  1. Know your best time of day

Some of us are larks and some are owls. Which one are you? Knowing your optimal time of day means you can time your most difficult decisions or most challenging work to coincide with when you are at your peak.

  1. Drink water

If you’re feeling sluggish, this might be because you’re dehydrated. Keep yourself topped up with regular doses of water and your brain will perform at its best.

  1. Keep a well-being journal

Keeping a record of your well-being can help you look for correlations and patterns. Understanding the activities or situations you associate with reduced well-being can enable you to make some new choices.

  1. Drink coffee

Besides remaining hydrated, 100 mg of caffeine has a measurable, positive impact on memory.

  1. Learn something new every day

Einstein wrote, “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.”

With this mindset, we never stop believing there is more that we can learn, and so you nurture a capacity to develop yourself and those around you. Being open to learning something new is the polar opposite of having a closed mind.


Reasons behind the Preference of File Centre Facility for the Storage of Important Document

Haphazardly littered papers, unorganized files placement on shelves or racks and stacking of records in the corner is usually a scene or room where records are kept. Additionally, these documents clearly are not random articles but are important and confidential. Therefore, as much importance it holds for the company or for a person it is equally essential that these are properly managed and stored. However, due to the unavailability of space and poor infrastructure, it evidently is not handled well or managed.

By acknowledging the problem the best step one can take is availing the experts’ assistance. Indeed, there are now many professional solution services that are providing the facility which is known as File Centre in Bristol. The reason to inquire and take their support of them is their well-managed and professionally designed process. While reaching out to them the business can expect to get the authorised and coded space for keeping their documents. For avoiding the confusion and guaranteeing the security every box are properly labelled too.

In addition to this, the few or least executives are permitted to access the records. Thus, this will give a real-time tracking for knowing about the time and a person who with the permission from the authorised body made the access. Apart from this to give peace of mind to their client for their confidential papers, reputed service providers have invested in the surveillance technology-driven equipment. Therefore, the chances of miscommunication and confusion are tried to completely eliminate.

All in all, the above-mentioned factors are giving convincing reasons to choose the facility of File Centre in Bristol. Despite the favourable circumstances there may still be the confusion as the decision regarding the repute service provider has to be made. However, there is nothing to worry about more as one of the popular name Stashed Away is evidently standing up to the expectations. Their range of service, van facility, delivery responsibility has made them the most preferred name in the market.



Self-Storage – A Smart Solution for Storing Furniture between Moves

It seems like nobody likes to move from one place to another. Seemingly, the reason behind this is the person’s unwilling attitude towards adapting the changes. Apart from this, what concerns most of us is also the tedious work of packaging, shifting and unpacking of the article which comes before and after the move. Each item in the house has to be properly boxed and shipped to the destination. Additionally, the unboxing also needs space to put everything into place which can only be done after the new place is ready to use.

But wouldn’t it be great if there is a solution for Storing Furniture between Moves Bristol or any other place that can provide you with the time to unpack. Or in addition to this, you get to put other fragile or bulky essentials at a rented space till the new house is ready to reside. Perhaps, no one will deny how convenient would be and if the service is provided by an expert than it will be the icing on the cake. These handled by the experts provide the assistance for the document filled with accurate information for ensuring the property belongs to you. Furthermore, their support extends to providing transport to pick up the boxes to deliver at the location.

To ensure the good condition of the packages for a long time they have the world-class infrastructure which includes the safety and temperature control devices. Clearly, this gives peace of mind to the owner for having their boxes safe and sound and under the strict surveillance of the skilled team. All these are undoubtedly favourable circumstances for anybody who is relocating to another city. Meanwhile, finding the reputed solution for Storing Furniture between Moves Bristol you can choose the Stashed Away. They are the local self-storage recognised name who is providing their flexible personal services even on weekends. Apart from this, keeping the convenience & budget of clients in mind offering profitable prices


Six (Covid-Safe) Tips for new Students in Bristol

Everything is a bit different this year and if you are about to start your university adventure in Bristol in 2020, a traditional freshers week and regular visits to the night clubs won’t happen.

However,  you are still in one of the most beautiful and exciting cities in the country and there are a ton of great things to see and do here in the west country. Here are five things you definitely shouldn’t miss out and which are guarantee safe to visit during the pandemic.

The Downs

Good for… Walking, sport, and some sightseeing!

What it is… A large expanse of grass and open fields, right by the Stoke Bishop halls.

Why you should go… This is where all the sports societies come to play games on Wednesday afternoons, so if you join a team you’re bound to come here. But even if sport isn’t your thing, take some time out to stroll around the parks – or if you’re particularly adventurous, wander over to the Avon Gorge, where you get a fantastic view of the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Clifton Suspension Bridge (and Clifton Village)

Good for… Admiring architecture and engineering!

What it is… An awe-inspiring bridge that spans the Avon Gorge.

Why you should go… If you’re planning to study engineering, this should be your first stop when you come to Bristol. The mechanical engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed the bridge, which was eventually completed after his death in 1864. It was only initially built to carry horse-drawn traffic, and yet it still functions today as an active road bridge for modern traffic. The bridge gives you a great view of the River Avon below, and is only a short walk from Clifton Village, which is famous for its beautiful Georgian architecture.

Stokes Croft

Good for… Finding out what Bristol is really like.

What it is… An eccentric, vibrant place – known as Bristol’s ‘cultural quarter’.

Why you should go… To check out the street art! Stokes Croft has wonderfully painted murals and stunning graffiti art, all up and down the main street. Stop off for a bite to eat in one of the local cafes, and then if you have time, take a look at the ‘outdoor gallery’ wall; there’s always something different up there!

Bristol Street Art Tour

Good for… Seeing the best street art in Bristol

What it is… A guided walk through the Bristol City centre visiting

Why you should go… Bristol has an incredible street art scene and the Bristol Street Art Tour is the perfect way to get to see the best graffiti in town, including some of Banksy’s masterpieces.

S.S. Great Britain (and the Bristol Harbour)

Good for… Lovers of the history of marine engineering.

What it is… A restored version of the great passenger steamship designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Why you should go… This ship was the first iron steamship ever to cross the Atlantic Ocean, and in 1970 she was returned to where she was originally built – the Bristol dry docks. Walking from the city centre to the S.S. Great Britain gives you a fantastic insight into Bristol’s shipping-industry history, and with museums, exhibitions and bars dotted up and down the harbour, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.


Key Advantages of Relying on a Renowned Self-Storage Company

Many universities offer lockers for their students to store documents and other important assignments. Not only this, but some graduates also choose to place their valuables in storing units so that they do not have to carry it everywhere. In fact, this is seen mostly in students from overseas as they have no one to count on. As a matter of fact, there is a perfect solution for them like opting for a personalized storage option for complete safety. If you are also searching for similar ways then it is ideal to approach a noted name.

Nowadays, it is very easy to find Self Storage in Bristol or nearby areas that you can choose from but, the trick is to get the genuine one. For this, you can do some research and filter out the one that fits you the best. Besides, there are several benefits that you can reap from the same as you can get the alternatives at the lower cost as all pricing are transparent. Also, you will find the all units are thoroughly cleaned as well as individually secure with temperature-controlled facility which makes it ideal to pace any kind of item. This will ensure protection in every condition and also keep it away from pests, dust, and moisture.

Plus, the Self Storage option is great for both personal and business users and the best part about this is that you can even book it online. To avail, such service counting on Stashed Away Storage Solutions is imperative as it is a leading name in the industry offering multiple storage options with maximized security. Moreover, you are the liberty to access it anytime you want that is usually from 7 am-7 pm and students can even pick up service to deliver the belongings to their accommodation if they want.


50 Quick and Easy Kids Crafts

Check out these 50 quick and easy kids crafts which can be made in under 30 minutes using items that you probably already have around the house! No special tools or skills are required, so anyone can make these cute crafts for kids! Great fun for the entire family! You can find all projects here on the Happiness is Homemade website.

Advantages of Storing Furniture between Moves by Utilizing Expert Solution

One of the major concerns which everybody has during the relocation is about the damage. The worry is not only for the fragile or glass material articles but also for other possessions including furniture. Undoubtedly, the owner invests a lot of amounts to get their favorite household or even commercial property designed and equipped. It is quite evident that the mishandling can make a potential and permanent damage to it. The chances of this seem to be high as there are many more things to take care of. Thus, in this situation, the best a person can do is to make their moving slow, steady and safe.

Undeniably, this must-have aroused the curiosity for the solutions as each of us wants them to be safe until one reach to the destination and the arrangements have been made. Fortunately, there are storage service providers who are offering the option of Storing Furniture between Moves in Bristol. Half of the task will be done by considering the aforementioned choice and will also put the concern at the back of the seat for a while. By reaching out to the reputed name in the market for the same will offer you the sufficient space to keep belongings for the desired period of time.

This significantly keeps things intact and in fine conditions until the home or office site is completely ready to utilize. Moreover, the reputed service providers also give the facility of picking up the possessions on time. One cannot deny the importance of a vehicle to conveniently shift the heavy household property. Henceforth, this also makes it imperative to avail the Storing Furniture between Moves in Bristol. To enjoy, all the aforementioned advantages approach Stashed Away. Their numerous assistance including CCTV surveillance, database, multiple storage option and boxes are providing ease to the customers. Their service-oriented attitude and team-work is making them the trustful and reliable storage facility provider.


VIDEO | 23 Super Clever Storage Hacks You Need to Try Out

There is hardly a better feeling than turning a messy and cluttered pile of things into a tidy and neat area. A great inspiration for hacking the chaos, is the video below with 23 clever storage hacks for all parts of the house. And don’t forget, if you still need some extra space, we offer affordable and secure storage solutions for all sizes. Just get in touch.

Significance of Relying on a Trusted University Documents Storage Solution

Several students who are studying in college are mostly from other cities or countries who are in constant need of a storage unit. This is so because of additional homework or projects assigned to them during holidays with a lot of paperwork. It is obvious they will not carry all the stuff to their home so, they need a secure and reliable option for keeping their belongings safe. In case, you are also looking for a similar alternative for yourself, then this post is for you.

Apparently, the market is saturated with multiple options offering their customers the solutions they need. However, if you want to avail services of University Documents Storage in Bristol or nearby areas then it is only imperative to count on a noted name. By doing this, firstly, you will have the finest self-storage unit where you can easily place all your important files. Along with this, you will have complete security over this as it is heavily guarded with cameras that will capture any disturbance. Plus, all units that you rent will be thoroughly cleaned as well as temperature-controlled, which means that papers will be secure from dust, moisture, or heat.

In addition, by relying on a reputed University Documents Storage firm, you actually receive the best-suited alternative for both personal and business users. In order to get the same for yourself, there is no better one than Stashed Away which offers multiple storage options with transparent pricing. Apart from this, all units present here are made of steel so that it will not get corrosion easily. Also, all storage units are carefully constructed with unique locking systems, in this way thefts and break-ins can be avoided. Besides, they even provide services for transporting the items when you are relocating business or moving from one place to another.

5 Things You Can Do To Keep Cool During The Summer

Admittedly, Summer here in the UK doesn’t necessarily always mean high temperatures and lots of sunshine from May until September. But there have been a few heatwaves already and with the hottest months yet to come it’s always wise to prepare for the upcoming weeks, especially when you spend more time than usually at home. Here are 5 simple but clever tricks to keep cool during the summer provided by The Cooling Company.

1. Use Portable And Ceiling Fans
Although a portable fan don’t cool the air like an air conditioner does but instead, they work by creating a breeze and the wind-chill effect from that breeze hits your skin and creates a cooling effect.

For an extra blast of coolness, place a bowl of ice in front of the fan. This simple trick creates a refreshing mist of air. Another useful tip is to place a box fan across from an open window. This is an easy way to create a cross-breeze that can lower the temperature of a room drastically.

2. Use Ice Packs And Take Cold Showers
Using external cold sources such as showers and ice packs is one of the most simple and basic form to stay cool  during hot periods. To beat the heat, hop into a cold shower. Not only will this lower your body’s core temperature but an ice-cold shower invigorates the skin and improves blood circulation.

Next, stock up on ice! Ice will become your best friend when temperatures are sweltering and you’re desperate to keep cool during the summer. Drink lots of ice water to stay hydrated and prevent heat-related illness. Place ice packs on pulse areas like your wrists, neck, groin, and temples to stay cool.

3. Keep The Curtains Drawn
Even when your air conditioner is running, a smart way to keep your house cool and save energy is to draw the curtains and blinds during the day. Sunlight streaming in through windows increases the internal temperature of the house. Even furniture and walls absorb the heat. That means your air conditioner has to work harder to cool the home.

Make it a habit to draw the curtains or close blinds and window shutters before you leave for work. This prevents heat from entering the home during the hottest hours of the day. Blackout curtains are best at blocking sun and heat.

4. Use Light Bedding
Getting a good night’s sleep is difficult when you’re hot and sweaty. If the AC isn’t working, you’ll be tossing and turning all night trying to get comfortable. To get a good night’s sleep when the AC isn’t working, use light cotton sheets that are breathable. On a hot night, you can forego a comforter altogether as a sheet is probably all you’ll need. Keep a light blanket nearby in case you do feel a little cold in the night and want to cover up.

5. Hang Out Downstairs
A common concept in physics is that heat rises. This means that warm air naturally gravitates to a higher area. If you live in a two-story house, you’ve probably noticed that the upstairs area is always warmer than lower level. The air will be cooler downstairs compared to upstairs. Kids may actually find it fun to set up tents and mattresses and camp out in the living room. If temperatures are unbearable, you might want to dive further down into the basement which is the coolest part of a house.

VIDEO | Try these genius Gardening Hacks now

Ah, summer has arrived in full swings. With temperatures consistently over 20 degrees, it is a lovely time to go outdoors. Now as lockdown restrictions are slowly and carefully eased, people can spend more time away from home and enjoy the sun. However, the warm weather also offers a great opportunity to look after your gardens and balconies. If you fancy saving some money and add a real creative touch check out these genius ideas in the video below which is full of inspiration.

Significance of Choosing a Trusted Online Storage Company to Avail File Centre Facility

Being a businessman can be really stressful to take responsibility for all the work they do. It is a fact that they are always trying to secure the confidential and important documents so that they can use it at the right time. In case, you are planning to relocate your office, then you need to avail storage service. By this, it means that renting a safe unit to keep your essential things be it important files or precious furniture at a safe place. If you are someone who is in need of the same then relying on a noted online service provider can be an optimal option

Undoubtedly, there are plenty of storage companies available in the market offering a similar solution for their customers. However, if you are looking for File Centre in Bristol or nearby areas then choosing a reliable option is a wise decision. The web, will assuredly assist you to find out the right service provider whom you can approach and avail reliable storage service. With the help of this, you can be assured to keep all your business valuables such as pivotal business hard copies, furniture, computers, etc. protected. In fact, trusted companies provide you with superior quality units having unique locking systems that you can easily access in a defined time frame.

Precisely, in order to avail File Centre storage services at reasonable charges you can always count on a reputed online firm like Stashed Away. Besides, they offer premium storage solutions for their clients who are looking for an affordable alternative to place their belongings in a secure location. Here, you can definitely get clean and individually secure, all within a temperature-controlled dry and secured facility suitable for both personal and business users. Moreover, it is a safe place to set aside items when moving or renovating to business purposes, to keep their belongings stored in affordable units.

How Storing Furniture Between Moves is Proving to be the Ideal Option to Avail

It is very evident that people spend a large amount of money while either customizing furniture or buying new from a store. The reason behind this is the same; it enhances the interior & appearance of the place, and moreover takes care of the comfort of an individual. Due to these factors, everyone takes proper care of them either whilst using it or whilst moving as in the in case of relocation. While shifting, apart from the valuable and fragile equipment, these should be packed very effectively, so they do not experience any jerk or scratch during loading and unloading of goods.

Each of us is very aware of the fact that certain damages can be possible in fact most people take this fact for granted. Surprisingly this can be completely eliminated by taking the professional facilities of Storing Furniture Between Moves in Bristol. Indeed, by utilizing their facility, either for corporate furniture or for a household property you will have peace of mind regarding the right storage. Besides availing the right place to keep things, you also get to enjoy the safety and security for the time being. Moreover, by a clear inquiry about the rates an individual can use it in favour until the new home or office is organised or set up.

In simpler terms, you get to have the assistance that is the experts helping in keeping a check on your property that would otherwise get damaged. All these factors clearly make the option of Storing Furniture, Between Moves in Bristol convenient. Although you might be considering it a good alternative for moving it to different places until the renovation is completed there must be another important issue regarding it. And, this must be about whom to trust for the requisite service. For this, you can reach to the Stashed Away, the name which is providing similar facilities.

They have multiple options for the storage along with the department for keeping the things secure. Furthermore, their charges are quite affordable to let everyone use their services according to the need.


How to survive the lockdown

The recent weeks have been an enormous challenge for all of us and with no clear indication yet on when and how the lockdown will end, unfortunately, we might need to brace ourselves for more social distancing measures and time at home. To remain upbeat and positive here are a few quick tips on making the best of these extraordinary times:

Limit your exposure to TV news. Constant news is such a dynamic change at the moment and it’s all negative. Picking it up once a day will give you time to do other stuff without missing the latest updates.

Exercise is vital. If you are healthy physically, you will be healthy mentally. Make the most of the allowance to leave the house for one outdoor exercise a day. Whether you prefer to walk, jog or cycle, take time out during the day for exercise makes a real difference.

Keep mentally fit by reading books and doing things like quizzes. This is an ideal opportunity to learn something new.

Positivity is the key. Don’t begin the day by rehearsing your grievances. Begin by remembering you’re alive and there are good things still. Tough things may come later but take it one step at a time. Begin with gratitude; then ask for the grace to face the day and its difficulties. Then go and address the difficulties.

Keep a regular schedule. Having a clear plan for the day, can help to get through the days much easier. Go to bed at the same time in the evening, have breakfast, lunches and dinner at the same time every day and have dedicated time slots for exercising and reading.

The Significance of Choosing Archive Facilities When Storing Furniture Between Moves

Once in a while, we all think of cleaning the storeroom which has been locked and piled with a lot of old and used documents. This is something which most of the people ignore as this can really tiring task. In order to remove all the stuff, you need to place these temporarily at some safe location from where only you have the access to it. By doing this, your belongings will be secure and you can retrieve it anytime you want easily. If you are also looking for such an excellent alternative then we can surely help you with the same.

Currently, there are plenty of options available in the market you can certainly choose from. However, to get Storing Furniture Between Moves in Bristol or nearby areas, it is imperative to rely on a noted name only. By opting for the same you can gain many benefits out of it. Firstly, these are a secure solution for both commercials as well as residential customers. Besides, these are the ideal, safe and convenient solution and you can obtain a well-tailored facility as per your requirements. Also, this keeps your documents protected from any damage such as pests, moisture or theft. Along with this, it is completely safe even in the case of fire-breakouts.

As a matter of fact, when it comes to shifting things from one place to another Stashed Away Storage Solutions offers multiple storage options with transparent pricing. Additionally, it is a local self-storage company based in Bristol where all their units are of steel construction with unique locking systems. You can be assured that each storage unit is clean and secure, all within a temperature-controlled, dry and secured warehouse suitable for both personal and business users.

How to work from home successfully!

The recent developments around the Coronavirus crisis have forced most of us to change the way we live and work in our daily life. A huge chunk of employees is now working from home which comes with a number of challenges. Especially when your home is not your usual working environment and face the additional challenge of looking after your kids, home office can be particularly tough to manage. Therefore, we’ve collated a list of top tips to help you to master the challenge to work from home:

Get started early.

Unlike your daily commute to the office, when working from home you don’t have this period of “waking up”.

Therefore work from home productively starts with a to-do list as soon as you wake up. Simply getting a project started first thing in the morning can be the key to making progress on it gradually throughout the day.

Pretend like you are going into the office.

Try to mentally apply the environment of your usual office to your home office by doing all the things you’d do to prepare for an office role: Set your alarm, make coffee, and wear nice clothes.

Structure your day like you would in the office.
When working from home, you’re your own personal manager. To stay on schedule, segment what you’ll do and when over the course of the day. If you have an online calendar, create personal events and reminders that tell you when to shift gears and start on new tasks.

Choose a dedicated workspace

Just because you’re not working at an office doesn’t mean you can’t, well, have an office. Rather than cooping yourself up in your room or on the couch — spaces that are associated with leisure time — dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work.

Work when you’re at your most productive (and if you have kids, prepare for disruptions)

Nobody sprints through their work from morning to evening — your motivation will naturally ebb and flow throughout the day. When you’re working from home, however, it’s all the more important to know when those ebbs and flows will take place and plan your schedule around it.

To capitalize on your most productive periods, save your harder tasks for when you know you’ll be in the right headspace for them. Use slower points of the day to knock out the easier, logistical tasks that are also on your plate. Verily Magazine calls these tasks “small acts of success,” and they can help build your momentum for the heavier projects that are waiting for you later on.

It’s difficult enough to get work done if you have children at home, but even harder with younger kids like babies and toddlers. Still, it’s not impossible if you have plan ahead and have some flexibility. Here are tips from real parents who are mastering the work-from-home challenge:

Get help, if you can. It might not be the best choice for your family with the social distancing advisory, but if you have someone that can help out (e.g. a family member that can stay isolated with you), you’ll be able to get the most amount of work done. If you co-parent, take turns between watching the kids and working. When you’re working, hide in a separate room so your kids don’t know you’re there.

Explain the situation. It’s a good idea to talk to your kids about coronavirus, especially older ones who can better understand the impact it’ll have on your day-to-day life.

Stay connected with your colleagues

If you work on a team, make sure to check in regularly just like you would in the office. Create to-do lists to keep yourself organized and focused, and share the status of your lists with your supervisor so they know you’re on top of your work. Besides email and messaging programs like Slack, it’s a good idea to set up regular check-ins via phone or video conferencing like Skype, FaceTime, or Zoom.

Sources: & HubSpot

A Few Benefits to Keep in Mind While Using Storage during Renovation

Once in a while, everyone wants to transform the entire look of their home. They do this in order to give their interior a brand new and attractive appearance. This is something that can consume a lot of time and energy, yet you can feel excited about your home assignment. In order to start this task, the first thing you want to do is move all the home decor items to a storing place. In this way, you don’t have to worry about their safety during the time of the renovation. If you are looking for a solution, then we can certainly help you with this.

Owners of the house have to compromise with their privacy so that contractors can complete their tasks. Also, removing furniture and other belongings can create more room for workers to get the job done efficiently. As a matter of fact, Using Storage during Renovation can be beneficial in such situations. Firstly, renting a unit is ideal in protecting your valuables from breaking accidentally and it also reduces clutter. Besides, it also prevents dust and debris from getting deposited on items and secures them efficiently. Also, keeping things in the storing unit is more convenient as it allows you to bring back your things in a single trip.

So to get benefited, choosing Stashed Away, a renowned firm with multiple storage options, security lighting, and 24 hrs CCTV recording can be excellent. By relying on this, your valuables will be safe from any moisture or damage as they maintain the temperature within their facility and have a gated compound with a security access system. Hence, for Using Storage During Renovation, you can utilize this service without being worried about the completion of your home renovation.

Know Why Storage for Home Renovation is an Ideal Solution

For homeowners, remodeling is not just one great way to enhance the overall appearance but also functioning in many different ways. Of course, this is exciting & fun, however, the stress associated with this work is something that cannot be neglected. It is here that before you let an outsider enter your private space, you must carefully archive your belongings. This will not just maintain your privacy but also make the task convenient.

However, it is important that when you’ve made this decision, then you must choose a trusted company known to offer Storage for Home Renovation. Preferably, looking out for an option that’s comparatively better in terms of accessibility & security will definitely be an excellent choice. This will allow you to have what you require from the lot at any point in the situation and at the same time, you can also have your peace of mind.

Moving further, another good reason why you should rely on such services is that these do not demand excessive expenditure. Yes, you have read it right! This archiving assistance is offered at a highly affordable price. Hence, when you look ahead to enhance the appearance of your home, you can have less stress & worries. Therefore, be assured that opting to rent a self-storage unit with a reputed company will surely be a wise decision.

If you are in a dilemma and not able to decide as to who can be the best choice, then look no further as we can help you through this. Here, reaching out to Stashed Away to avail services of Storage for Home Renovation can indeed be great. As they don’t just offer top-notch assistance, but also temperature controlled unit for both business & personal uses. Thus, your requirements will be duly fulfilled here.

15 Easy Ways to save Energy Costs

Want to save energy and money around the home but not sure where to start? Especially during the cold months, energy costs are skyrocketing. Thankfully, the comparison website USwitch offers a comprehensive list of easy energy-saving advice for any household. Here are 15 of the best tips:

1. Use a microwave. Heat up food in the microwave as often as possible – it’s generally the most efficient way to heat up and cook food because its relatively small size means that a stronger level of heat can be focused on whatever’s being cooked

2. Be water-conscious. When you’re boiling food in a pan, make sure you only use the amount of water needed to cover the amount of food you’re cooking, because boiling water you don’t need can waste a lot of energy.

3. Shrink your bills, not your clothes. 90% of a washing machine’s energy expenditure is spent heating the water, so if you wash your clothes at 30-40°C you’re saving a significant amount of money.

4. Hang up your laundry. Air-dry your laundry rather than tumble-drying it, particularly if the weather is warm or windy.

5. Install a smart meter. If your supplier offers smart meters to customers like you, it’s a no-brainer to install one. By clearly indicating where you’re spending the most on your energy, you can take steps to cut down usage wherever possible and save money.

6. Use energy-saving lightbulbs. A lot of electricity is used in lighting your home, but you can use less energy by investing in specific energy-saving lightbulbs, which are readily available. You won’t lose any light, and you’ll save money too.

7. Use energy-efficient electric appliances. Some appliances, like dishwashers, run on electricity as opposed to gas, so it’s worth seeking out the most energy-efficient models to ensure you’re not spending more than you need to. Look for models rated A+++ by the EU as a general guide.

8. Double that glazing. If you’ve got single glazing (or a lot of heat is being lost through the doors and windows), install double glazing to more efficiently trap heat.

9. Get free solar panels. Having solar panels installed on your house could save you as much as a third on your electricity bills.

10. Apply for an energy-saving grant. There are plenty of energy-saving grants available to help with the cost of home improvements.

11. Stay warm, cut costs. Turning your thermostat down by just 1°C can save you as much as £75 per year!

12. Don’t leave the tap running. Turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth or washing your face – it can waste more than six litres of water per minute while it’s running.

13. Turn the lights off. When you leave a room, don’t leave the lights on unless you’re coming back.

14. Run cold washes in the washing machine. Washing your clothes at 30 degrees rather than 40 can save you a third on your washing bills – you’ll have to do a hot wash sometimes, but sticking to 30 whenever possible can make a world of difference.

15. Compare gas and electricity prices with Uswitch to make sure you’re on the cheapest tariff for you. It only takes a few minutes, it’s free and you could save hundreds.

Top Reasons to use a Self-Storage Unit

There are many good reasons to hire a storage unit with Stashed Away. In our first blog post of the new year we have put together a list of the top 6 reasons for using self-storage in 2020:

1. Renovating Your Home                                                                                                                                               

When home improvements are underway and it is getting dusty and dirty in the house, a self-storage unit provides the ideal shelter for your valued personal belongings. Once the work in the house is complete, you can either remove your belongings from storage back to your renovated home or use this opportunity to re-design your interiors.

2. Moving Homes                                                                                                                                                                  

In a complex and fast-changing property market, selling and moving isn’t always a straightforward process that can be accomplished in a day. Delays often occur, which can leave you in a real dilemma if your belongings are set to go, but your new premises aren’t yet available. Self-storage provides the ideal location for holding your items in a safe place until you’re ready and able to move them into the new home.

3. A Safe Place for Equipment or Vehicles

If you own equipment or hardware that operates on a seasonal basis (e.g. ski equipment, gardening tools or camping gear) a storage unit is great to allow such items to be stored away for a certain period in the year. The same applies for smaller vehicles such as motor scooters or bicycles.

4. Storing Business Inventory 

Large businesses, as well as entrepreneurs, often have the need to store inventory relating to their work. Stashed Away can provide climate-controlled facilities at a significantly lower cost than a full-blown property rental. Access to inventory and archives is available when the owner wants it, and all valued assets will remain physically safe at all times.

5. Simply Running Out of Space

People are reluctant to cast aside belongings they no longer use, especially if they are still in good condition. They want to hang onto things ‘just in case’ or often because they’re planning on passing them on at some point in time. Getting on the housing ladder is very expensive and many are storing furniture etc, in preparation for when their children make that jump and will need all the help they can get.

6. University students during the Summer

In a popular student city such as Bristol many students will collect various items during their stay at universities such as their own telly, sofa and bed. After the summer term, it’s unlikely that you will want to take everything back to your parents’ home only to bring it all back in September. If that’s the case a self-storage unit local to your university accommodation is an ideal solution. A small price to pay for a summer of peace and confidence.

If you live in the Bristol area and are considering a self-storage unit, get in touch, we’d be happy to help and advise.

Great Benefits of Choosing a Genuine Company Offering Ideal Storage For Home Renovation

It’s needless to say that renovating a home is both an exciting and stressful job for almost everyone. In this process, an individual needs to pay close attention to the safety of the personal belongings be it precious antiques & furniture or others. Indeed, you are likely searching out for various effective ways in order to keep all your things protected. In such a case, availing “Storage Facilities” can be great. However, as of now, you can find numerous companies known for offering unmatched similar services to all their valuable clients.

To attain an optimal solution regarding Storage for Home Renovation, choosing from the right options is of paramount significance. For this, you should do your homework. Yes, you can either ask for references to your close friends & business partners or also read out testimonials of all their former & current clients. In addition to this, you can also perform in-depth research by using the internet. You will undeniably find out a reliable service provider that you can approach and achieve many advantages.

The first and foremost benefit is that they provide a “Huge Range of Self-Storage Units” that you can select from. The most lucrative thing is that they are made up of top-notch quality materials and have a unique locking system. It means by keeping your personal belongings in them, you can ensure their security. Apart from this, they offer “Temperature Controlled Environment” and thus your things will not be affected by unfavorable weather conditions. Lastly, you can avail of excellent storage services at the “Fair prices”.

Finally, if you also looking forward to selecting the best Storage for Home Renovation, approaching a trusted company like Stashedaway will be beneficial for you. By using their unparalleled facilities, you will not only enjoy various exclusive perks but also get immense satisfaction!

5 Simple DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas

Christmas is well underway and it’s a great time to start decorating your house for the festive season. But why not going DIY this year with these simple but genius Christmas decorations ideas? You do not just save money, you also do something good for the environment by using recycled materials.

All you need for each item can be seen in the list below the video.

Idea 1 | Christmas Tree
Catalog, spray paint, hot glue, stars

Idea 2 | Christmas Tree decorations
Paper roll, pencil, ruler, acrylic paint, glitter, glue, hot glue, string

Idea 3 | Christmas stars
Paper roll, pencil, ruler, hot glue, glue, glitter, string

Idea 4 | Big Christmas Star
Sticks wooden, spray paint, acrylic paint, Christmas lights, wire

Idea 5 | Ice crystals
Ceramic dish, marker, oil, hot glue, metal, glitter

Tips on How to Choose a Genuine Company When Searching for “Self Storage Near Me”

Irrespective of whether you are thinking of moving your home or office, keeping things be it an important belonging or business document at a safe place will most likely your priority during the relocation process. In such a scenario, choosing a trusted storage company is of paramount significance. This is what ensures the protection of your precious antiques, furniture & computers, and more. In fact, there are various benefits of approaching them in terms of “Utmost Security, Peace of Mind, Reasonable Charges”, etc. But, prior to relying upon the one, you need to determine if they are trustworthy or not. For this, you should consider a few pivotal aspects such as:

The first and foremost thing that you should keep in mind when looking for the perfect “Self Storage Near Me” is to check their “Reliability”. Yes, a renowned one always focuses on offering excellent service as they don’t want to tarnish their image amid their valuable clients. Hence, before selecting the one, make sure that they have earned a good reputation in the market. To gauge the same, you can either read out the testimonials of their former & existing customers or do in-depth research.

Apart from this, you can also “Ask for Recommendations” to your friends who have already availed this facility. Believe it or not, this can be the best help for you. In this way, you will not only reach out to a trusted service provider but also get an excellent opportunity to reap various significant benefits. Last, but not least, don’t forget to “Compare their Prices”. You will assuredly filter out an ideal and inexpensive option.

Hence, if you are also searching out for a reliable ‘Self Storage Near Me‘ that fits into your budget, then you should pay close attention to these essential points. They will help you find out a renowned name like Stashed Away that you can count on. Being a leading company, they mainly strive to offer optimal storage solutions to all the clients. Thus, by approaching them, you can take several pivotal advantages!