Moving houses without going mad

One of the rather stressful chores in life includes moving houses. After jumping the many hurdles of the house-buying process, the actual move is often the icing on the cake. However, moving your worldly belongings from A to B doesn’t have to be a nightmare, with the right planning and preparations. The property website Zoopla has put together some excellent tips to help a smooth and swift move.

1. Start NOW

As soon as you know you are moving, start planning by writing down what you need to do and when and make a start on what you can ahead of time.
If this sounds ambitious, just try not to leave it more than three to four weeks before the big day.

2. Don’t compromise on removals

There are different options here depending on your budget and the scale of your move. For larger households, as a general rule, look for British Association of Removers (BAR) registered movers or tried and tested recommendations from friends.

Get at least three quotes and go with the one you feel is best suited to your move, rather than the cheapest. If you only have a small load and just need a van, speak to us. If you hire a unit with Stashed Away you can use our van for free.

3. Start packing early

Many people fall into the trap of putting off packing as they can’t face starting such a mammoth task. Break it down into achievable parts and it will seem a lot less daunting.

Alternatively, pay extra and get the removals company to do it all for you. They can sweep the entire contents of a house into boxes in a matter of hours and make it look like light work.

4. Ikea bags are a mover’s best friend

Well, maybe not BEST friend, but they’re pretty good for any odds and sods that don’t really need to go in a box. Zipped laundry bags are good for moving linens, clothes and coats, shoes and other non-breakables.

5. Label your boxes

It sounds obvious but so many people forget. Put the labels on more than one side so you can see what’s what when they are piled high.
If you’re really organised, make an inventory of what is in each box, especially if some items are going into storage.

6. Check your furniture will fit through doors

It sounds obvious but misjudging the size of entrances and turning room is a classic moving day problem.
Flatpack furniture you built yourself is often the biggest cause of grief. If it needs to come apart again, find out by taking measurements and give yourself plenty of time to do it.

Check also if feet and arms on big sofas are removable.
Let the removals company know if you need a window removed or take a door off its hinges, and check they are insured to do it.

7. Create a ‘room plan’ for your new home

Draw up a sketch of where the furniture will be placed in each room. You can always move it again but it saves time deliberating on the day and keeps the removals company happier.

8. Keep wires organised

If you have a multitude of wires going into one device, use sticky colored labels or number each part to match one end to the other.

9. Pack an ‘essentials’ box

Pack the kettle, tea, coffee and milk last, so you can unpack it first. Also, keep a mental note of where your bedclothes and duvet are (see next tip).
Keep remote controls, phones, mobile phone chargers and any other essential items you are likely to lose in the same ‘bits box’ so you know for sure where they are
Keep real valuables and important papers separately somewhere safe.

10. Make your bed as soon as possible

You’ll appreciate it at the end of the day when you don’t have to do that ‘one more thing’ before you can sleep.
For more advice, take a look at our moving home checklist for buyers and renters.

And don’t forget if you need a storage unit before, during or after your next house move, get in touch for the best storage solution.

Guide: Correct technique for lifting heavy objects

Photo: Thorpe Chiropractic

The NHS estimates that up to 8 out of 10 people in the UK are suffering from back pain at some point in their live. An incredibly high figure, considering that with a few tips and tricks chronic and temporary back problems can be easily avoided.

Especially when we are lifting heavy objects, the body gets painfully reminded. But here is the good news. With the correct technique, it’s fairly easy to avoid more or any damage at all.

Healthwise has put together a comprehensive and useful guide for the correct technique when it comes to lifting objectives:

  • Keep a wide base of support. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with one foot slightly ahead of the other (karate stance).
  • Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only. If needed, put one knee to the floor and your other knee in front of you, bent at a right angle (half kneeling).
  • Keep good posture. Look straight ahead, and keep your back straight, your chest out, and your shoulders back. This helps keep your upper back straight while having a slight arch in your lower back.
  • Slowly lift by straightening your hips and knees (not your back). Keep your back straight, and don’t twist as you lift.
  • Hold the load as close to your body as possible, at the level of your belly button.
  • Use your feet to change direction, taking small steps.
  • Lead with your hips as you change direction. Keep your shoulders in line with your hips as you move.
  • Set down your load carefully, squatting with the knees and hips only.
  • Keep in mind:
    Do not attempt to lift by bending forward. Bend your hips and knees to squat down to your load, keep it close to your body, and straighten your legs to lift.
  • Never lift a heavy object above shoulder level.
  • Avoid turning or twisting your body while lifting or holding a heavy object.

All of the above tips are from

5 Tips to cut down on single-use plastic

Wide-spreading media coverage has made us all aware of the devastating impact on our environment caused by single-use plastics. In order to tackle this massive challenge, it’s not just the governments and big businesses that need to act. Each individual can contribute their part to cut down on plastic use. With a bit of planning and consciousness, it’s easy to make some small changes that can have a big impact.

Here are 5 tips that everyone can easily adapt

1. Carry a reusable bottle
According to Greenpeace, in the UK we use over 35 million plastic bottles every day and 12,775,000,000‬ each year. An unbelievable figure. The easiest solution to cut down on single-use plastic bottle is to use a reusable bottle. They are low in cost and make a real impact.

2. Take a reusable coffee cup
Another incredible shocking statistic contains the number of coffee cups thrown away each year in the UK. Up to 2.5 billion coffee cups end in the bin – and less than 1 in 400 are recycled. Similar to the reusable bottle, get yourself a reusable cup. Loads of cafes are now offering a small discount if you use your own cup

3. Avoid excessive food packaging
Cutting down on food packaging is another very effective way to cut down on plastic. Many supermarkets often offer pre-packaged fruit and veg and a loose alternative which is usually the cheaper alternative. Even better, a lot of the local fruit and veg shops, bakeries and butchers often avoid excessive packaging altogether.

4. Get your milk delivered
It’s still a bit mind-blown that despite the well know problem of single-use plastic, most shops don’t offer milk in an alternative packaging (glass or carton). One way to ditch the plastic bottles is to subscribe to a milk delivery service, which supplies milk in glass bottles. Afterwards, they collect and reuse them.

5. Carry a shopping bag
According to Greenpeace, the plastic bag charge has had a huge impact on and caused an 85% drop in usage, which is fantastic. However, from time to time, we tend to forget to take them with us when we do the shopping. Therefore it’s worth to always have a folded plastic bag in your carrier or back bag.

With a few changes, we can make a big impact on the amount of plastic we use in our everyday life.

7 Productivity Hacks You Need To Know

Are you occasionally left with the feeling you haven’t done “enough” or simply could have done more? In times where distractions are constantly present (thank you internet), staying focussed has become one of the hardest challenges of our everyday life. However, the good news, there are plenty of very useful tips out there, helping to tackle this very common issue and eventually become a productive hero. The website offers a brilliant list of “productivity hacks” which are easy to adapt.

Here are 7 of the best tips:

1. Write down three of the most important tasks every morning

You don’t want any ambiguity in your work days, it’s a productivity killer. So, each morning you should take time to prioritize the top three tasks for the day. Be clear with what you write and use more than a three-word description.
For instance, “research hotels” is bad. Instead, use “review and compare prices of hotels x, y, & z.” This will prevent you from drifting to semi-related tasks that don’t accomplish anything.

2. Set specific times to check email

It’s easy to waste time shuffling through dozens of emails.
All it takes is one email notification and, before you know it, you’ve wasted 20-30 minutes organizing and responding to multiple emails.

What you should do is choose two times a day to do emails. It’s recommended to do one check before lunch and one more before finishing up your work day, that way it doesn’t accidentally seep into your work time.

3. Learn to say “no”

For some people saying no is hard, but if you really want to elevate your productivity levels then you can’t let people order you around all the time.
For most people, a firm “no, I’m busy right now. I’ll let you know if I’m available later” should suffice.

4. Listen to music

Music is a great way to maintain focus and stay productive.
However, everybody is different so it may take some experimentation to find music that helps you focus. A good tool for this is Focus At Will, it uses music scientifically driven to improve your concentration.
You could also use general background noise to improve your focus. Coffitivity emulates the chatter of a coffee shop, which has been shown to actually improve focus.

5. Start your day tough, or start your day small

What you do at the beginning of the day will dictate the flow for the rest of the day.
The way I see it, you have two options:
Do the hardest task first so everything else feels easier
Do the easiest task first to build up some momentum
The first option will immediately pay off as your remaining tasks will feel easy by comparison. But the second option will help ease you into the work process, lowering the chances of procrastination.
Which option sounds better to you? Give both methods a shot and see which works best. Everybody is different, so experimentation is key.

6. Use the one and done rule

Have you ever said “I’ll take care of it later” before? Probably, right?
…But do you actually do it later? Probably not, and it’s not because you’re lazy either.
These situations happen time and time again because we don’t bother adding them to our to-do lists, we assume that we’ll remember to it later.
This most often occurs with low-level tasks (e.g. get milk, take out the garbage), but if it happens enough then you’ve got a big problem on your hands.
Avoid this by simply adding each new task to a to-do list. You don’t even need to think about it, just quickly jot it down and you won’t run the risk of forgetting to “take care of it later.”

7. Keep a pen and pad (don’t rely on memory, write everything down instead)

Memories are notoriously unreliable.
If you try and remember everything you need to do, you’re going to end up with a lot of unfinished tasks. Don’t take the risk, write down everything you need to remember.
Keeping a pen and pad works just fine, but feel free to use an app on your smartphone to do this. It’s really your preference.

These productivity hacks are all part of the article 15 Smart Hacks for Maximizing Productivity from the website, by S.J. Scott

36 Clever Storage Hacks

Don’t we all love a bit more space in our life without sacrificing our favorite goods? If you are a fan of little but efficient “life hack” check out this video which is full of genius ideas. And don’t forget, if you still need some extra space, we offer affordable and secure storage solutions for all sizes. Just get in touch.

Self Storage Packing Tips

Self Storage Packing Tips

After finding a reliable provider of storage in Bristol or elsewhere to aid with your home improvement project or for your unused belongings, it is very important to have all your items properly and safely packaged, ready for the move. This is to ensure the preservation of all your possessions by preventing them from getting broken or damaged through the transportation and the storage process itself.

In addition to this, securing the right packaging for all your items will make it easier for you to sort through and find things later. To help you, here are a few packing tips you may want to take into consideration:

• Choose the right box

Refrain from using rubbish bags or any type of plastic to pack your items because they easily tear and lack ventilation which may result in mildew. Instead, use the right type of boxes or packing crates that are appropriate for your properties’ weight and brittleness. Typical boxes for storage are a good choice for hefty items such as books and dishes, whilst large boxes are apt for lighter items such as bedding, blankets and linens.

• Consider using hanging wardrobe boxes

Use a wardrobe box for clothing such as trousers, dresses, suits and evening wear to prevent wrinkling and damage. It can also be beneficial to use for hanging curtains.

• Do not overload the boxes

Whilst we advise you fill each box completely to prevent the top or sides from crushing, they should not weigh more than what you can comfortably lift. Make sure they remain ‘square’ without adding too much weight by filling the open spaces with crumpled paper or bubble wrap.

• Label your boxes

Label your boxes with a heavy black marker to save you from having to open everything when you look for an item later. Make sure to mark boxes full of breakables as ‘fragile’ and clearly indicate the stacking direction where the items should be stored in a certain way.

• Tape your boxes up

Securing your boxes with good quality packaging tape is essential to make sure they maintain their structure and protect the items inside.

• Avoid stacking heavy items on top

Items such as heavy rugs, TVs or file boxes must be placed on the floor instead of putting them on top of other items as their weight will slowly crush what’s beneath them.

• Wrap your furniture and fragile properties

Cover your furniture and use protective materials to keep them in good condition during the moving process and whilst in storage köpa clomid utan recept. The same goes for dishes and framed art, which need to be bubble-wrapped individually. If you want to save money or reduce your use of plastics, old blankets, sheets and towels work perfectly well.

• Keep extra materials such as boxes, packing tape and marking pens in your unit

No matter how organised you may be, there may come a time when you won’t be able to find what you are looking for and in an attempt to locate that certain thing, your storage unit to becomes untidy. In light of this, consider keeping a few extra boxes and storage materials in case you need to repack and re-label any belongings.

Conveniently based in Bristol, Stashed Away offers you the best storage solutions with transparent pricing. No matter how many possessions you need to store and how long you need a unit, we can provide you with both long-term and short-term storage options. Rest assured that all our storage units are clean and individually secured in a temperature-controlled warehouse. Check out our Size Guide here. For more information, send us an email at or give us a call on 01179 516325.

10 Tips to beat the Winter Blues

Are you among a large number of people which suffer from the Winter blues, also known as a seasonal affective disorder (SAD)? If that’s the case, you are not on your own. According to the NHS, approximately one in 15 people are affected and it can affect people of any age, including children.

The symptoms are wide-ranging and can include depression, lack of energy, concentration problems, anxiety, overeating, loss of libido, social and relationship problems and sudden mood changes or periods of hypomania (over-activity) in spring.

However, the good news is there are some useful and easy-to-follow tips to beat the Winter blues. Sue Pavlovich of the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association (SADA) and the NHS have published 10 top-tips to overcome SAD this winter:

1. Keep active
A daily walk in the middle of the day could be as helpful as light treatment for coping with the winter blues. Read more about walking to get fit.


2. Get outside
Go outdoors in natural daylight as much as possible, especially at midday and on brighter days. Inside your home, choose pale colours that reflect light from outside, and sit near windows whenever you can.

3. Keep warm
Being cold may make you feel more depressed, so staying warm may reduce the winter blues.
Keep warm with hot drinks and hot food. Wear warm clothes and shoes, and aim to keep your home between 18C and 21C (or 64F and 70F degrees).

4. Eat healthily
A healthy diet will boost your mood, give you more energy and stop you putting on weight over winter. Balance your craving for carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.


5. See the light
Some people find light therapy effective for seasonal depression.
One way to get light therapy at home in winter is to sit in front of a light box for 30 minutes to an hour each day.

Light boxes give out very bright light at least 10 times stronger than ordinary home and office lighting. They’re not available on the NHS and can cost around £100 or more.

6. Take up a new hobby
Keeping your mind active with a new interest seems to ward off symptoms of SAD, says Pavlovich. “It could be anything, such as playing bridge, singing, knitting, joining a gym, keeping a journal, or writing a blog. The important thing is that you have something to look forward to and concentrate on,” she adds.

7. See your friends and family
It’s been shown that socialising is good for your mental health and helps ward off the winter blues. Make an effort to keep in touch with people you care about and accept any invitations you get to social events, even if you only go for a little while.


8. Talk it through
Talking treatments such as counselling, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you cope with symptoms. See your GP for information on what’s available locally on the NHS and privately or read this article on how to access talking treatments.

9. Join a support group
Think about joining a support group. Sharing your experience with others who know what it’s like to have SAD is very therapeutic and can make your symptoms more bearable.

10. Seek help
If your symptoms are so bad that you can’t live a normal life, see your GP for medical help.

Prepare For The Holidays Using Your Storage

Prepare For The Holidays Using Your StorageWith tons of items you have acquired throughout the past years, from clothes to kitchen utensils, your home is probably filled with things that are not being used anymore. So before the holiday season even comes, start de-cluttering your home to make room for the gifts and the visitors that will soon arrive. If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start, we’re here to give you some tips on how you can organise your home for the holidays.


Can’t seem to hang your newly bought clothes in your wardrobe? It might be time to store away some of the old ones. Clothes are one of the major sources of clutter in your home. As such, it is important to keep your wardrobe under control. To organise your clothes, remove them from your closet and group them accordingly. Separate your daily wardrobe from your out-of-season clothing. Arrange your holiday clothes and special occasion attire in a box and put it in your rented storage. Since you won’t be using your summer clothes and hats within the next months, it would be ideal to pack them away. This way, you’ll have a tidier closet and you’ll have more space available for use.

Old decorations

If you have already decorated your home for Christmas and you still got some leftover decors, consider putting them in the storage facility. Clearing them away will make more room for the gifts that you will receive and your new purchases.

Bikes and toys

If you have children, there’s a good chance that your home is already full of toys With Christmas just around the corner, it is likely that they’ll get more in the coming weeks. Before another surge of toys comes in, try to minimise what you already have. Ask your children to help you sort through their toys to decide what to keep and what to store away. If your child has a bike that he/she has outgrown, you can put it in your storage unit temporarily until you find out whom to give it to or where to donate it.

Kitchen tools

It’s no secret that during the holidays, the kitchen is one of the busiest places in the house. So before the festive season takes hold, consider de-cluttering your kitchen. Pack away your duplicate utensils, kitchenware and any unused equipment. Having an organised kitchen will make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for and will allow you to move well.


If you have unused electronics that are still stuck in your home such as computers, laptops and printers, consider selling the ones that are still working and bring the broken ones to a recycling centre. For other large electronics that are not in use but you intend to keep, like television and sound system units, you can put them in your storage unit instead.

Furniture and equipment

If you happen to have visitors coming from out of town for the holidays, make sure to clear out all the big items that you’re storing in your guest room. You may put your unused furniture and gym equipment in the storage facility in the meantime to allow your guests to move comfortably in your house throughout their stay.

If you’re looking to de-clutter your home for the holidays and you need a self-storage unit, Stashed Away Storage Solutions can help you. Based in Bristol, we are a self-storage company offering multiple storage options with transparent pricing. All of our units are durable and secured with a unique locking system. Visit our storage facility located at 91A Romney Avenue, Bristol, BS7 9ST. For more details regarding the services we offer, call us on 01179 516325 or email us at and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you shortly.

DIY | 7 amazing gifts to save your Christmas shopping

With only a week to go, Christmas is almost here. Have you sorted all your Christmas gifts yet? If you are still looking for the perfect gift, but don’t want to spend a fortune and prefer to give something personal this year, we have some good ideas for you. Check out our top 7 best DIY Christmas gifts:

1 Brownie Mix in a Jar

Campervan-MoodlightThis brownie mix looks so tasty and it’s very easy to put together. It’s also a great activity to do with a child. Simply layer the dry ingredients in a large mason jar and decorate with baker’s twine, custom labels, a gift tag, and baking instructions. For more information click here.

2 Guess Who? Gamediy-guess-who

What a genius idea! Board games are always a crowd pleaser, but with this popular classic, you also add a very personal touch to it. This is also a gift which should be fun making with the kids. The other great thing, it’s a long-lasting one. The idea was published by Molly from the website Almost Perfect.

3 Homemade biscuitshome-cookies

Home baking is hugely popular, not just during the Christmas period, and it offers a perfect opportunity to sort out your presents at the same time. The website “Balancing Home” has some really simple and yummy recipes in store for you to make some Secret Almond Cookies, Double Peanut Butter & Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies, Hershey’s Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Heath Bits Peanut Butter Blossoms. You can find all the recipes here.

4 Cozy Gift Slippersslippers-gift-for-men-pin

This is the perfect gift for the men out there. Compared to the other gifts this requires a bit more “shopping” but it’s still a very personal gift and the great thing is you can choose little presents which suit the receiver. The slippers are not only an ideal Christmas gift but also perfect for Father’s day. Find out more about this lovely idea here.

5 Fimo Tube Necklacesdiy-tube-bead-necklace-marble-gold-craft-homemade-gifts

If you rather fancy giving some jewellery this year, but either can’t afford the expensive stuff or prefer to do it yourself – or both – have a look at these beautiful looking necklaces from the website “The Lovely Drawer”. All you need to get them done is a few affordable materials and some tools (e.g. scalpel). For instructions visit the Lovely Drawer website here.

6 Mason Jar CocktailsSomethingTurquoise-DIY-Mason-Jar-Cocktail-Gift-0002

Everyone likes a cheeky drink over the Christmas period. With these original cocktail jars you’ll surprise your friends and family. A very simple and quickly gift to make and with some beautiful designed tags, they become very personal. Find out what’s your loved ones favourite drink and surprise them with these little jar cocktails. For full instructions visit the Something Turquoise website here.

7 Terracota VotivesDIYCandles5-1

Lastly something beautiful for the home. Ideally, in the dark season, these little candles make your house much cozier. They produce a warm atmosphere and can be made in any size. They are also ideal for adding a beautiful glow to an outdoor area. Best of it, the votives are very cheap to make. We found them on the website Sugar and Charm here.

Doors blown wide open on local storage company

The term ‘self-storage’ means different things to different people. To some, it represents a junkyard for forgotten belongings, to others it acts as a lifeline during periods of transition for both domestic and business users.

Whatever your current perception, Stashed Away will debunk common myths and reveal the truth about their self-storage facility.

You do not need to commit for 6 months unlike renting a house, storage is available for as a short time such as 4 weeks or for as long as it’s needed. The modern facility with steel individual units and temperature controlled storage provides a pleasant facility to use.

You can keep almost anything in the unit from a stamp collection to business stock, we offer a range of sizes so you can choose the right one for your budget only paying for the unit for as long as you need it, keeping costs as low as possible.

Security is taken very seriously such as CCTV camera monitoring, alarm systems, coded key fob entry and your unique unit cylinder lock providing only you access to your belongings 7am to 7pm seven days a week.

  • Here are some typical reasons for self-storage
  • No room at my residence
  • I’m moving and I’m between properties at the moment
  • I need to declutter giving me the best opportunity to sell my home
  • I run a small business from home and need extra storage space
  • I’m separating or divorced and need a place for my belongings now
  • My home is being renovated, I need a place clean and dust free

Stashed Away is a family run business and can be more flexible to suit your needs, we can also provide you with a van. Just off Muller Road, and servicing Lockleaze, Horfield, Bishopston, Ashley Down and St Agnes, this door stop storage facility means that it’s easy to pop in – when you are passing come in and have a look around or go to our website we even have a video.

Top Tips To Cut Your Energy Bill

As the temperatures slowly but surely drop we spend a lot more time inside and don’t, we all like to have a warm and cozy home? Unfortunately, this is also the time, when we will notice a rapid rise in energy costs due to increased heating and other energy guzzlers. This can be frustrating, especially as costs of living keep increasing and with Christmas on the doorstep wouldn’t it be lovely to save a few quid viagra genérico españa?

To help to save some money, we have put together a top 5 list with tips to cut your energy bill:

1 – Switch Energy Supplier

Switching your energy supplier or tariff can be an easy and efficient way to save money. The consumer website Which? has found out that you can save at least £300 per year by switching from the priciest standard tariff on the market to the cheapest available deal.

Around 58% of all households are on a standard or default tariff, according to energy regulator Ofgem, meaning there are big savings you could make on your energy bill.

2 – Replace Light Bulbs

Energy-saving light bulbs can help cut your energy bills easily. An LED light bulb costs around £1.71 to run per year. Over its lifetime, it could cut up to £180 from your energy bills, compared with an old-style bulb.


LEDs are the most energy-efficient light bulbs and use almost 90% less energy than traditional incandescent. Best Buy LEDs cost from around £2.49 for one and some can pay for themselves through energy savings in a few months.

3 – Home insulation

Insulating can save you up to £275 per year, Which? found out. Laying loft insulation to a thickness of 270mm in a typical non-insulated three-bedroom semi could trim £130 a year from energy bills, as less heat will be lost through the roof.

Insulating cavity walls can save up to £145 a year in a semi-detached house. Solid-wall insulation, although more expensive to fit, could save you £245 in the same type of house.

Even if you already have some loft insulation, you could save an extra £10 a year by topping it up from 120mm to the recommended 270mm. You can also reduce heat loss through your windows by replacing single-glazing with double-glazing.

4 – Keep your energy bill under control

Paying your energy bill through direct debit means you spread your costs over the year and avoid big shock winter bills. Providing your energy supplier with regular meter readings will keep your bill as accurate as possible. This helps avoid building up a big credit or debit balance.


If you think you’ve been paying too much and are in credit with your energy supplier, take a meter reading. You can ask for a credit refund at any time, even if it doesn’t fit with your energy supplier’s automatic refund policy. Your right to do this is legislated in Condition 27 of the Gas and Electricity Supply Licence Conditions. This says that any credit balance must be refunded if asked for by the customer.

5 – Quick Energy Tips

Finally, some quick and easy energy tips:

  • Understand your energy bill. It’s the first step in knowing how much gas and electricity you’re using and where you can cut back. A smart meter will tell you how much energy you use in real-time, or you can buy an energy monitor.
  • Don’t leave your gadgets on standby. This could save you up to £30 per year, according to the Energy Saving
  • Fit a water-efficient showerhead. These keep your shower feeling powerful while cutting down on your hot water use.
  • Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when they’re full, and use energy-efficient programmes. Dry your washing outside, rather than using your tumble dryer.

Please note the above tips were originally published on

How to Find the Right Storage Unit

How to Find the Right Storage Unit
If you’re moving to a new house or you have to store away some valuable items from your home or office, it is ideal to get a storage unit. But before renting one, you have to assess if the facility can ensure that your belongings will be kept secure and well taken care of. Here’s a short guide when selecting the right storage unit.

Consider its location

Storage units are often built sturdily and are hardly affected by outside factors. Then again, changes in temperature and humidity level can affect the items that are stored inside. If the storage unit is outdoors, it is more susceptible to heat, humidity and violent winds. On the other hand, if it is located indoors, the temperature and moisture content may still vary, especially if it receives direct sunlight or rain. Moisture in walls can leak into the unit and could cause mould growth in your valuables. As such, it is important to stack your boxes several inches away from the wall.

Picking a climate-controlled storage is a great idea for items that are vulnerable to these factors, such as seasonal clothing, antiques, furniture and electrical appliances. This way, your belongings will be stored in a more consistent climate, making them less likely to be damaged by the changing weather conditions.

Tight security

One of the things you would like to avoid is to get your items stolen, that is why it is essential that the storage facility you choose has tight security. Make sure to check the lock, access keypad and burglar alarm to confirm they are in good working condition. There should also be adequate lighting inside and outside the unit and surveillance cameras must be in place. Ultimately, it would be best if someone constantly monitors the activities in the facility.

Proper maintenance

A number of people may have used the storage unit before you so it is vital to inspect the space. Make sure that there are no spills or leakage in the room that could possibly damage your items. There shouldn’t be gaps or cracks as these can allow insects, rodents and pests to enter and damage your items. Having a clean and pest-free storage unit can give you peace of mind that your belongings are secure, no matter what.

Picking the right size

Storage units come in a variety of sizes. Before choosing a unit, you have to assess the size of the items that you’re going to store, to avoid paying for a space that you won’t use. There are some tools online like storage calculators and size guides that you can use to determine the space that you need. Asking a facility staff member can help you attain the best size perfect for your items.

Cost can vary widely

Storage unit prices vary, depending on the size, location and features. It is best to shop around and look for the best deals before signing a contract. This can provide you with a good idea of what you require for a price that won’t hurt your wallet. Just take note of the important features like climate control, security and cleanliness when making your decision.

Stashed Away Storage Solutions is a local self-storage company based in Bristol offering multiple storage options with transparent pricing. All our units are made of steel and with unique locking systems. You can be assured that each storage unit is clean and secure, all within a temperature controlled warehouse suitable for both personal and business users. Call us on 01179 516325 or email us at for more details.

Why You Should Get A Self-Storage Unit When Moving House

Why You Should Get A Self-Storage Unit When Moving House
Relocating to a new home can be a difficult task. Apart from having to deal with the pain of leaving your old house, the process of doing complicated paperwork and moving personal belongings can also add to your stress. To help you in this transition, there are different services that you can use to face the challenges associated with moving , one of which is hiring a self-storage unit. Here are a few reasons why investing in a self-storage unit when moving to a new house is a smart move.

Makes your home more appealing to buyers

Usually, buyers look for house that can accommodate all their belongings with room to spare. As such, it is important to make your home look spacious by clearing away your unused items. De- cluttering can create a sense of space and make the room appear larger.

Think of the things that you actually use. Small items like toys or home decorations can be kept in boxes and stored in spaces like the loft or shed. On the other hand, large items like furniture and equipment that you do not need on a regular basis can be packed up and stored away in a self-storage unit. This way, all your possessions are together in a secured place.

Can prepare you for your big move

The process of packing up your belongings, loading them into a removal van and then unloading them at your new home can be stressful and time-consuming , especially if you do it all in one day. To reduce your workload, pack some of your items ahead of the main move a trouvé. Start by packing things you don’t need on a daily basis a few weeks in advance and then continue gradually until the day before your move. Instead of having all the boxes spread all over your house, keep them in a secured storage unit until after the move.

Serves as a temporary storage

It might be necessary for you to live in rented accommodation or to stay with family or friends if your house gets sold before your move. Since you cannot bring all your belongings to the place you’ll be staying, you will need a place where you can temporarily put your items until your new home is ready for occupancy. In this situation, putting your treasured possessions in a self-storage unit can be of great help. This way, you can be assured that your items are in a safe space until you move to your new home.

Stores your possessions whilst you work on your new home

Once you’re ready to move to your new home, you may still have to leave some of your items in the storage unit. This is probably because you have to do some restorative work in your new property. Whilst doing things like redecorating and tackling other projects, it would be hard to move around if there are scattered boxes and furniture. By keeping things that you do not need right away in the self-storage can make your decorating process a lot easier.

If you are moving to your new home and you need a self-storage unit, Stashed Away Storage Solutions can assist you. We are a self-storage company based in Bristol offering multiple storage options with transparent pricing. Stashed Away is located at 91a Romney Avenue, Bristol, BS7 9ST. For more information call us on 01179 516325 or email us at and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you promptly.

Top Tips: Working from Home

For those of us who are not commuting to an office, either from time to time or every day, but working from home instead, it’s often challenging to create a productive environment. Especially when you haven’t got a huge amount of room to work.

Here are some top tips from to make the most of your available space and get things done.

To find and create a space where you can be most productive, is probably the hardest bit. Especially when you share your home with a housemate or your family, you have to be creative when it comes to finding a suitable works space in a house where every room has a purpose already.


First of all, make sure every tiny patch of wall or an unused corner can be used. If you are not planning to have a permanent home office, you can create an area which you use when needed but does something else when you don’t. It’s important that your “go-to” spot can be set up easily and is ready for work in no time.

Many people struggle to be productive when working from home as there are plenty of distractions. From kids and pets to the telly and other forms of entertainment. It’s always tempting to take another break. Therefore, it is vital to clearly define when you’re “on” work and when not.

You can work with a sign which says free or busy or use headphones. It’s just important that there is clear communication and people around you know that you are in working mode. Your working space should be comfortable and dedicated completely to your work—at least, while you’re working. Try to give yourself a spot that’s clearly a working space.


Once you found the right space, make sure you get rid of non-work related items that just distract you. Books, games or even a comfortable blanket, should all be moved somewhere they won’t tempt you while you’re trying to be productive.

If you require to take phone calls or Skype calls, make sure your home office looks decent and the noise level around you is as low as possible. Using a headphone and preparing the room beforehand are recommended.

With a bit of planning and preparation, it’s fairly easy to remove most distractions in the house. However, there are often other “ever-present” distractions, like road noises, the kitchen, or construction work. In these cases, it’s all about focus. For many headphones and some quiet music can help immensely. It’s also useful to make a plan for specific work times and specific break times.

Working from home can be a real joy and even may help to increase productivity. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get things done when we’re distracted by family, the doorbell, or even the pantry calling your name. Think ahead, prepare for distractions, and carve out a comfortable, well-defended place for you to settle in and be productive, and you’ll manage to get things done.

By the way, if you ever need to create more space for your home office but haven’t got enough room in your house,  we can help.

Top Things To Look For In Self Storage Units

Top Things To Look For In Self Storage UnitsIf you find that you have too much stuff in your home, in the process of moving to another place or downsizing for a smaller apartment, self-storage is the best temporary solution to your space needs.

But before you rent a space in the nearest self-storage facility in your area, here are a couple of things you need to look for to ensure that your belongings will be secure in a storage space. By carefully considering all these, you ensure that your belongings are stored in a safe area that meets your needs.

Different storage sizes

Your chosen self-storage provider should have different sizes of units available so that you can choose one that’s appropriate for your needs. The size of the storage unit you need will ultimately depend on the possessions you need to store. But it can be rather tricky to estimate how much space you require. If you choose a unit that’s too big, you won’t be able to maximise the storage space and you might end up spending more by paying a higher rent. On the other hand, if the storage space is too small, it won’t be able to accommodate all your stuff and you’ll end up needing another unit to rent. Also you should keep in mind that the space should not only fit all your items but also provide enough space for you to go inside when you need to find an item that you will suddenly need in the future.

Premium security

Security is very important when it comes to self-storage. Even if you are not planning on keeping valuable assets inside, you would still need to ensure that all your stored belongings will be safe and secured, so a facility that gives importance to protection and surveillance is your best choice. They should be able to provide 24-hour video supervision, fire prevention, security guard and a system to monitor individuals that come in and out of the facility. Aside from this, the actual building should have a fence, a gate and indoor and outdoor lighting.

Climate-controlled units

Your chosen self-storage facility should have climate-controlled units. This is because when items are exposed to extremely hot or cold temperatures, they will be more susceptible to damage. This is why climate-controlled units are extremely important especially if you live in an area with extreme temperatures. These units are designed to protect your belongings, keep wood furniture from warping, prevent metals from accumulating rust and keep documents and books from deteriorating because of moisture. Climate-controlled storage spaces may be relatively more expensive but it is definitely worth investing in if you want your stored belongings to last.

Friendly customer service

A good self-storage provider should have friendly staff who are available to answer all your enquiries and assist you through the process of storing your belongings in their facility. They should also be easy to contact if you’ll need to get an item from your storage unit in the future. In addition to this, your self-storage provider should have office hours that’s convenient for you.

If you are looking for a self-storage unit, Stashed Away Storage Solutions can provide you with all your storage needs. We are a self-storage company based in Bristol offering multiple storage options with transparent pricing. Stashed Away is located at 91a Romney Avenue, Bristol, BS7 9ST. For more information you may email us at or phone us on 01179 516325.

How to cope with hot weather


Following a brief and for some refreshing spell of colder and rainy weather, the summer is back in full swing with temperatures up around the 25 degrees region. Compared to the current extreme heat wave in the south of Spain and Portugal where temperatures recently hit more than 40+ degrees, we can still enjoy a reasonable pleasant climate.

However, even in less heat, it’s vital to be prepared for higher temperatures and sunshine as several risks are posed, such as:

  • dehydration
  • overheating, which can make symptoms worse for people who already have problems with their heart or breathing
  • heat exhaustion and heatstroke

A heatwave can affect anybody but people most at risks are older people, especially those over 75 babies and young children as well as people with a serious chronic condition, especially heart or breathing problems. People with mobility problems – for example, people with Parkinson’s disease or who have had a stroke should also avoid any heat.

The good news is that with a few very simple tricks serious consequences from high temperatures can be avoided according to the NHS website. Here are some of the most important tips:

During the day, shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. You can open the windows for ventilation when it is cooler.

Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.

Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this isn’t possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).

Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.

Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol – water, lower-fat milks and tea and coffee are good options. You can also drink fruit juice, smoothies and soft drinks, but they can be high in sugar. Limit fruit juice or smoothies to a combined total of 150ml a day, and only drink diet or sugar-free soft drinks.

Plan ahead to make sure you have enough supplies, such as food, water and any medications you need.

Identify the coolest room in the house so you know where to go to keep cool.

Wear loose, cool clothing, and a hat and sunglasses if you go outdoors.

So, in order to stay cool during the next heat wave just follow these simple steps.

Items That Storage Lovers Need

Whether you love or hate packing your possessions, finding the right items to keep them safe is important. If you are a fan of using self-storage, here are the items you may require to assist you when placing your things into the storage unit.

1. Permanent Marker or Label Maker

Most people do not appreciate the value of labelling boxes until they are faced with the task of looking through everything in their self-storage unit in search of one particular item. Label your boxes accordingly and use the markers to write down the categorisations. This will help you manage your possessions and prevent you from opening boxes one by one just to search for a specific item.

2. Dryer Sheets

Do you know that dryer sheets not only keep your items at the self-storage smelling fresh? Putting a few sheets strategically in the corners of the storage unit will keep minute insects from entering your unit. Just remember to replace the sheets once a month.

3. Furniture Covers

If you are storing furniture such as mattresses, chairs and tables in your storage unit, it is important to have furniture covers to protect against dust and damage.

4. Clear Plastic Bins

Aside from boxes, you can also store items in clear plastic bins. These are more durable than cardboard boxes and can be reused many times. A tip when buying bins: purchase bins of the same size to make them easy to stack. If you have a limited self-storage space, it is important to choose the right shape and size of the plastic bins to maximise the use of space.

5. Vacuum-Sealed Bags

If you are worried about storing your clothes, beddings and other linens in your self-storage unit, then we have the perfect solution for you! You can store these items in vacuum-sealed bags protecting them from any damage. Vacuum-sealed bags are perfect to save space as they squeeze the air out and don’t allow it to go back in.

6. Bubble Wrap

When storing valuables, another important item is bubble wrap. By using bubble wrap you are reducing the likelihood of fragile items being broken. Make sure to avoid leaving gaps when filling boxes.

7. Cardboard

Do not throw away old cardboard! These items can be repurposed and used when it comes to storing items. You can put cardboard between printed photos to stop them from curling or use it underneath heavy boxes to prevent them from sliding.

8. Basic Cleaning Supplies

Before putting your possessions in your self-storage unit, you may want to clean them first. Storage units may become dusty so keeping basic cleaning supplies inside your storage unit is a must. This way, you are ready for a cleaning when you visit your self-storage unit.

9. Inventory App

Keeping an inventory or tracker of your belongings is important. It’s impossible to remember everything you have stored in your self-storage unit, just keep tabs using the apps on your mobile phone viagra generika preis.

These are just some of the essentials you require when storing items in your self-storage unit.

If you still don’t have a self-storage unit, we can help you. Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal and business storage needs. With a variety of storage solutions to choose from, we are sure that you will be able to find the ideal solution to suit any requirements. Contact a member of our team today on 01179516325 for any further information about storage availability. Please continue browsing our website to learn more about the services that we can offer.

10 Steps To Clear Your Clutter

The following article is written by Christa O’Leary and originally appeared on

There are many ways to make life inside more comfortable and enjoyable. One simple way to optimize your nest is to begin removing clutter and organize your stuff so that you are able to truly enjoy your home when you will be spending more time inside.

Remove roadblocks

Sometimes in our need for perfectionism, the idea of organizing can feel very overwhelming. This can lead to stagnation or a complete roadblock. Move forward by focusing on what you can get rid of first. This will reduce the psychological burden of the task.

Give every item its own place

Everything you have in your space should have a place. Label the destination if it will help you stay clutter free and organized. This might be a great time to get some of those colorful storage containers.

Don’t acquire; make a trade

When bringing new items into your living environment, think about getting rid of something you know longer need or use. This can help cut down on the surplus and overwhelming inundation of items that can pile up in your home.

Develop a seasonal system

Make a point each season to notice what you have and haven’t used. It’s time to purge whatever you no longer need. When you do this on a regular basis, you develop your own clutter-clearing system that will help you all year long.

Focus on a strategic approach.

Breaking the process of clutter clearing down into manageable pieces takes out overwhelm. Don’t try to tackle everything all at once this can be defeating. Put a strategy in place so that you know exactly what needs to be done and when.

Divide your possessions into four categories

The process of clearing the clutter is simple. There are four categories:

Throw out: First go through and find anything that can be tossed. Include anything worn, broken, chipped, in disrepair, or items you haven’t used in years.

Donate: Go on a shopping spree for those that are less fortunate.

Not ready to part: Place these in a box labeled with the date. If you don’t go back to the box in a year, donate!

Find a home: Items you truly love should have a home within your abode. Find a place within your space.

Don’t have too many “favorite” things

It is important to have special pieces around your home that remind you of happy memories. However, it’s also important to be selective with these happy-memory-making items. Clutter is clutter, even with the “good” stuff. It’s time to pare down when you are no longer able to see the special tokens because you have too many trinkets on your bookshelf.

Just do it!

Take immediate action with the four categories of belongings! Don’t leave things sitting around, because this is another form of clutter.

Don’t get distracted from your items’ final destination

That brings me to my next point, I don’t know about you, but I often have bags of items sitting around waiting to be given to this person or that charity. Getting them to their final destination can be challenging for a whole assortment of reasons. If you aren’t able to get them to their intended endpoint within a week, bring them to the charity drop-off box down the street.

Make your bedroom your oasis

Begin with your bedroom. Make this a nest that nurtures you and an oasis away from clutter elsewhere. This room is critical for three reasons. You spend seven or so hours in it each day, it’s the last room you see before you nod off and the first room you see upon waking. A clutter free bedroom will help you enjoy sweet sleep and positively begin your day.

Your external world has a huge impact on your internal sense of well-being. You can harness the power of your natural instincts that urge you to organize, clear and clean during the fall season.

The above tips and more inspiration can also be found in Christa O’Leary’s book Home in Harmony: Designing An Inspired Life available at Amazon

Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Self Storage

Self-storage units have the reputation of being used solely by homeowners who have too many possessions or those who are in the process of moving homes. However, did you know that self-storage facilities can also be used for small businesses? Here are some of the reasons why you should consider renting a self-storage facility for your business:

1. Storage units are secure

Sensitive business information and documents can be stored in a secure facility where they can be readily available to extract anytime. Furthermore, a storage unit can keep your documents safe from environmental issues that can possibly occur in your office space, such as fire. Your documents will also be away from suspicious persons and limit the risk of theft.

Stashed Away’s self-storage units are secure and alarmed 24/7. Enjoy the peace of mind brought by the knowledge that your business assets are safe from damage and secure from theft.

2. Using a storage unit frees up space in your business

If you have stock overflow or unused furniture and equipment you can use the self-storage unit this will free up valuable space that you could convert into something more productive. If you feel your office is running low on space see if there are any items you may not need in the future and store these in the storage facility.

3. Different sized storage units are available

Are you thinking of storing office equipment or furniture? Regardless of the items you are going to store there will always be a storage unit for you. If your storage requirements change in the near future you can always upgrade or downsize your storage unit. Just contact your self-storage facility.

4. Some storage facilities provide additional services

Companies like Stashed Away will help you in the process of moving, making it easier and less expensive. If you require your items and need them delivered just liaise with the team and they will assist you.

5. Storage units can be accessed 365 days a year

Stashed Away’ s storage units can be accessed from 7 AM to 7 PM all year round, making it the perfect choice for convenience. If you operate on weekends and holidays and need to access your stock and documents stored in the facility they are always available.

6. The cost of renting a storage space is less than purchasing a larger office.

Planning on renting a bigger office because you feel like your space is cramped? How about checking if office items can be stored in a storage unit, such as furniture, machines and documents. Hiring a self-storage is less expensive and easier than looking for a new office space.

These are just some reasons why you should consider hiring a storage space for your business needs. Remove the idea that self-storage is just for personal use. Experience the different advantages of having a self-storage at your disposal. If you are looking for a self-storage facility that can help you with your business storage needs, look no further! We at Stashed Away are always willing to help.

Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal and business storage needs. With a variety of storage solutions to choose from, we are sure that you will be able to find the ideal solution to suit any requirements. Contact a member of our team today on 01179516325 for any further information about storage availability. Please continue browsing our website to learn more about the services that we can offer.

Common Storage Problems Students Face During University

You might think that packing your things would be the least of your problems when you’re juggling studies and work in university. It wasn’t until the holidays and summer, the only time when you’ll be able to have a break from all the university drama, that you’re confronted with the mundane and annoying task that is storage. We have listed the common storage problems students face whilst at university.

1. Your childhood bedroom has been converted

Most students relate to this problem. The moment you go to university, your parents would immediately renovate your bedroom into something else. Most of the time it’s transformed into a guest room, and the stuff that you’ve been keeping inside your childhood bedroom is kept in some box hidden away in the basement or attic. The conversion of your room comes with furniture and equipment that your parents think might be necessary for the guests which makes it impossible for your university possessions to have space in your own converted room.

2. Your possessions can easily fill up a car or van.

You might not be aware of it, but you have accumulated a lot of things during your stay in your rented accommodation. Who knew that those books lying around your room would take up so much space, added to the furniture you have brought to be used in your rented accommodation.

3. Do you really think you can bring your belongings home by train?

Let us say you have managed to pack all of your things and you want to bring them all home. Do you really think you can find a seat on the train, with three bags, a rucksack, a box and a suitcase?

This problem is true to students who want to bring their possessions back home but do not want to use a removal van or their parents don’t want to have the inconvenience of driving to the university to fetch them.

4. Leaving certain items in your rented accommodation is not an assurance that they will be there when you get back.

One concern that most university students think about is the security of their rented accommodation since they’re not assured that their belongings are safe to be left alone, especially in cities and busy neighbourhoods. Coming back to a different room because of the noticeable missing furniture or equipment is not a pleasant experience.
Sometimes, when you leave your possessions, your fellow students might take it upon themselves to use your things and there’s no telling if they’ll take care of them. There’s no assurance that you’ll be able to find your items again.

These are the common situations and problems that students experience when it comes to storing their things.Renting a self-storage unit can ease all your woes and can provide you with less hassle when you are faced with this problem of storing. By hiring a storage unit, you are sure that you will be able to store all your items in a highly secure and accessible place. Security wise, storage facilities are equipped with 24/7 surveillance cameras and alarm systems, meaning you do not have to worry about missing items.

Stashed Away can collect your boxed belongings and store them for the holiday period and deliver them back to you. Keeping them clean, safe and secure, so you’ll find your belongings just as you left them. You can order you boxes online prior so the move out can be made easily we will collect them and when you require them again, just give us 7 days notice, and we will deliver them back. Visit our website for more information. Don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team on 01179 516325 or email us at to see how we may help you.

Top Reasons Why College Students Should Choose Self Storage

These holidays, you may now be wondering what to do with all the things that you have in your room or flat. You may be thinking about where to put your furniture and equipment or you may decide to let go of some your items. Unless you are staying at the university, your possessions end up getting packed up and moved back home.

The question most students ask is, “Is there enough space in my bedroom to store my possessions?” Do not risk hauling your things into your bedroom without weighing the pros and cons of expense, travel and hassle! Why not rent a self-storage unit and reap the benefits of just storing your items there and get them back when you need them again? If you are still not convinced, we have compiled a list of the top reasons why we think you may need to hire a self-storage unit.

1. Save your money

Renting a van when your possessions do not fit your car can be quite costly especially if you are in a university that is miles away from your home. Save your money by just renting a self-storage unit that is near your accommodation. Some self-storage facilities even offer a free van delivery when you decide to transfer you possessions.

2. Security is the priority

Self-storage facilities are equipped with 24/7 surveillance cameras and alarm systems. This way you are sure that your items are kept safe even if you are not around. Climate-controlled facilities are also available if you want to store delicate items such as furniture, computer equipment and musical instruments.

3. Save Space

Did you know that a storage unit is not only for moving during holidays and school breaks but can also be used during the term? Once you rent a storage unit, you can use it to store extra books, off-season clothing or other things that may cramp up your accommodation. By doing so, you get extra space for your room.

4. Parent-preferred

Your parents might not be thrilled with the idea of paying great expense to transfer your possessions. Hauling your things back home to just store in the basement or on any available space sounds like a lot of hassle when you’ll be returning to your university after a month or two. By hiring a self-storage unit, you can avoid this situation.

5. Makes for an affordable alternative than to change flats

You might notice the abundance of clutter in your room and you’ve thought about moving to a larger flat to have more space for yourself. City lettings can be quite expensive so you can consider storing your things first in a storage unit before deciding to leave your old room. This can be a far more affordable alternative if you search for self-storage units that are catered to students rather than renting a larger flat.

Now that you know the reasons why having a self-storage unit is a good move for students, you may now be thinking of hiring your own. When looking for one, take into consideration the location, affordability and security of the facility. A good facility will be able to satisfy these conditions. Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal storage needs. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.

Storage During Travelling: What To Do With All That Stuff

Perhaps you’ve been hit with a serious case of vacation envy and you decided to go on a long-term trip somewhere. You thought it would be easy setting up everything- your passport, your luggage, your dog, your cat, and your phone, but then you’re confronted with this one huge problem. You can’t just leave all your stuff in your flat unattended!

Sorting them out is easy enough, but giving them all away can make you hesitate about leaving at all. Would the loss of your possessions, some of which proved their loyalty through the test of time, justify a trip which you’re uncertain of being worth your time? Luckily, you’re not the only one who’ve asked this and leapt into the unknown of pre-travel planning We’ve compiled you a list of things you can do with your things so that you’ll feel secure while travelling.[

1. Ask Your Parents

You might not want to part with all of your stuff but you certainly don’t have the money and the maintenance to keep them in a large storage facility. In cases like this, the persons you can run to for help are your parents. To be more specific, your parents’ garage. Sure, they might get a little surprised with your sudden long-term travel statement, together with the moving truck that contains your whole flat, but the thought of free storage can make their words sound like buzzing to your ears.

2. Sell the Useless Items

One of the upsides of going over your whole flat is to know what are the completely worthless stuff and have them thrown out or sold to your friends. If even your mates won’t buy them, you can set up a garage sale or auction them online. An online website is a good platform for selling the furniture and the small-scale things are good to sell on a garage sale. A few pounds from your possessions won’t hurt to add on for your travel expenses.

3. Give Your Things to Charity

This is for the ones who wanted to do good before leaving to have the time of their life. If you think you would easily regret giving your things to charity, then it would be better to just store them in boxes so that you’ll have them when you get back home. But if you’ve got a mountain of stuff you don’t know what to do with, then it’s better to give. You never know what the universe will reward you for this kind act while you’re travelling.

4. Rent Your Flat

One of the basic solutions of pre-travel planning is to have someone rent your space. With this, you don’t have to worry about unpacking everything when you get back or returning to your home and see some of your possessions missing because you’ve sold them or given them away. This could also earn you a few pounds as well and can definitely aid with your travel expenses. You just have to be sure that the person renting your space is someone that you trust and someone that will keep the space clean for you when you get back.

5. Rent a Storage

By far the best option, if you wanted safety and security for your things. Using an excellent indoor storage facility can provide you with the assurance that your possessions are not rotting away because of poor ventilation and poor packaging. A storage facility also keeps your things away from mould, rodents, and bugs. You can also be assured they are protected even in harsh weather climates. With this option, you won’t be bothering any family members and friends.

Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal storage needs. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.

How to successfully sell on eBay

Every week thousands of people are selling their unwanted goods online with the purpose to make some money on the side. With eBay, one of the biggest and most popular platforms, selling online has become a lot more convenient and faster. However, to successfully become the next eBay “Powerseller” there are a number of important points to consider before you go ahead.

A highly successful UK top seller named “vintageneil” has revealed his top-tips in a blog post. Below is a summary of them. Spend time on research, and lots of it. If you know exactly what you want to sell then that’s great, but check out your potential competitors, your potential suppliers, your potential customers and even your own soul. Being a successful seller on eBay can be immensely rewarding but requires work. Some new sellers spend many months researching before going “live”.One single, and poorly shot, photo on each of your listings is not going to help you become a Power Seller. There are many guides to photography on Ebay and it’s worth to check them out. One quick (and cheap) tip is: Get a single sheet of tissue paper (purple is a good one), and scrunch it up several times so that when you lay it flat it has thousands of random creases all over it. Tape it to a large piece of card (maybe the bottom cut out of a tomato box) and you have an instant backdrop for small items that look great in photos.

Many sellers can’t be bothered to provide a half decent description of the item they’re trying to sell. That’s a shame as creating a description either invokes bidders to get into a bidding war with another bidder or creates the desire to make an instant purchase using “Buy it Now”. It’s essential to lift your listing above the rest. There are many very successful sellers on eBay who do not use any fancy graphics at all, but just concentrate on providing an honest and detailed description of the item Including phrases in your small print, such as “I will not be responsible for items lost in the post” is the kiss of death for buyers, so make sure you come across as reasonable and honest. Don’t create extra work for yourself. Set out your policies clearly and firmly, but in a friendly manner. Make sure your postage rates are not hidden in your listings, and don’t overcharge for PAYMENT METHODS

If you’re serious about selling, you have to offer PayPal as a payment method. There’s no getting away from it, and it’s essential for receiving payments from buyers overseas. The protection and convenience it offers buyers means you really need to offer it as your main form of payment. Just accept Paypal, cheques and postal orders, to fulfil most buyers’ expectations. Customers expect to be kept informed, every step of the way, and that means a sale confirmation email, a payment received email and a despatch confirmation email. If you are forgetful, or you plan to sell a lot of items then it is best to automate this procedure from the very start. Subscribe to eBay’s “Selling Manager Pro” rather than a third party product. It’s very reliable, generally, and if anything goes wrong your customers will be more likely to empathise if the error lies with eBay.

New sellers have an incredible advantage, when it comes to packing, over larger sellers. You can show, through attention to detail, a level of service that simply cannot be matched by your bigger competitors. Describe how you pack your items, in detail, to show your customers what a great service they can expect from you.

Don’t fall at the last hurdle. Make sure you get everything right and try to foresee problems before they happen, such as address errors, damage, over or undercharging, Post Office scale errors, forgetting the customs label, and so on. We all must start somewhere when it comes to building feedback. Feedback is one of the reasons behind the success of eBay and buyers value it as a means by which they can judge sellers before parting with their cash, so much so that there are many programs available on the internet which allow buyers to scrutinise individual’s feedback. Be patient and build up your Feedback by buying your postal supplies, and other things you may need, from other eBay sellers.Storage is critical. If you end up with stuff all over the place it may affect business reputation, possibly your marriage, probably your sanity, and your home just won’t look like a home anymore. Even selling small items, such as books like I do, will cause you headaches if you don’t keep your stock neat and tidy. If space is at a premium then you’re obviously not going to be selling antique furniture, but even the smallest of items will use up all your available space eventually.

Should I Get a Self Storage?

Hiring a self-storage unit can be a bit costly. Aside from the actual monthly rental, you also need to consider things like packaging materials and transportation expenses. This is why you should make sure that getting a storage space is the right solution for your needs.

Here are some of the common reasons why you might consider hiring self-storage.

Moving Locations
One of the most common reasons why people hire a self-storage is when they move homes. Moving out can be really stressful and having a storage space where they can put all the unnecessary possessions can help them figure out what to keep and bring with them. This gives them time to sort things out once they transferred locations. After they have sorted everything, they can now decide what to do with the items in the storage space.

Another reason why people are hiring storage space is that they are travelling around the world. Some even stay overseas for a few months or a whole year. Hiring a storage space, and then renting your property out for a year means that even when you are enjoying overseas, you can still make money from your home.

After 50 to 60 years of acquiring possessions, there will come a time where we finally decide to downsize. There are things that you may want to sell, but there are also those properties that means so much that you just can’t afford to let go. Hiring a long-term self-storage can help you with this. You can just put all the items you don’t want to lose in your storage.

Grown-up Kids and Universities
When the time comes, kids leave home to start their separate lives in different universities. When this happens, it is now time to move their things into self-storage and enjoy the extra space. If they decide to leave home for good, but still don’t have enough space for everything they own, you can hire a storage space for them. This is a good way not to clog up your house and garage with their possessions. Also, by placing their stuff in a storage space they can still return and sort it themselves.

Commercial Use
Self-storage for commercial reasons is gaining popularity as they use these spaces as an extension of their own commercial area. Before, small businesses have to deal with the issue of limited space causing them to get stuck into the “small business” phase. With the help of a self-storage, they can now expand and improve their businesses.

Securing An Investment
People who have treasured possessions, like a unique collection or an antique vehicle, but don’t have the space to keep them decide on renting self-storage. These investments can increase in worth over time, that’s why many people decide on keeping them aside, considering their personal value.

Self-storage vs Larger Apartment
A larger apartment means costlier rent. People tend to keep their possessions in self-storage than look for a bigger apartment that will cost them a fortune. Hiring a self-storage space might cost less rather than moving into a larger home just to accommodate the extra properties.

Keeping stuff you don’t need is always a bad investment. You have to consider renting a storage space if things that you are storing actually have value for you even after a long period of time.

If any of the reasons above apply to you, then you have to consider hiring a storage space. We at Stashed Away are more than happy to assist you with your storage needs. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something, the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.

How to finally succeed with your New Year’s resolutions


how-to-finally-succeed-with-your-new-year’s-resolutionsHappy New Year everyone! Is it already too late to talk about new years resolutions?

We all know this too well. Towards the end of the year and boosted with heaps of hopes we sit down and get a long list of life-changing ideas together: healthy eating, more sports, less alcohol, those kinds of things.

Unfortunately, only a few weeks or even days later, we figure out how difficult it is to adopt a new habit and get heavily frustrated – I am no exception.

But why do so many people fail to succeed? A poll by Bupa, found that the two main reasons for failing to stick to a New Year’s resolution are down to lack of confidence paired with unprecise goal setting.

In a bid to counter this trend, 52 percent said that setting small, more achievable goals will help them stick to their New Year’s resolution.

Let’s have a look at what are the most popular resolutions and how to manage to really stick to them. A recent poll by ComRes, has revealed that the top five New Year’s resolutions are:

Exercise more
Lose weight
Eat more healthily
Take a more active approach to health
Learn a new skill or hobby

All the above New Year’s resolutions sound very familiar, aren’t they? So, what is the key to eventually stick to them?

While many people have a clear idea of what they want to achieve, the problem is they don’t know how. Therefore, it is essential to develop a detailed action plan, to begin with. Action plans can help to experience less anxiety, more confidence, improved concentration and greater satisfaction about achieving goals and are more likely to succeed.

The key questions for an effective plan are:

1. Is it specific?
Bad goal: I want to save more money this year
Good goal: I will save £3,000 this year

A clear goal in mind gives you a clear focus on what needs to be done.

2. Can it be measured?
Bad goal: I want to lose weight
Good goal: I will lose 2 stone by my daughter’s wedding

Using figures helps to measure and follow the progress. This helps with keeping you motivated.

3. Is it achievable or attainable?
Bad goal: I want to speak to my friends on the phone each week
Good goal: I will use the bus journey home to talk with my friends every week on the phone.

Often we fail to succeed because the goals we are setting are simply impossible to achieve. Therefore it’s vital to ask yourself, is the goal you are setting attainable? Balancing the challenge to stay motivated and setting a goal that is not too hard is the key.

4. Is it realistic?
Bad goal: I want to fit into my old shirt
Good goal: I am going to get into my old shirt by July 1, 2018

Goals are easier to achieve when you set a realistic time frame. Consider long and short-term goals, while you are working on long-term goals, short-term goals help to constantly keep focussing on small steps.

5. Is it exciting?
Bad goal: I want to save money
Good goal: I will save money so I can take my family on holiday to Disneyland

Setting exciting goals help to maintain motivation levels high. Try coming up with different and interesting ways of making your goals exciting.

With the above tips why not start fresh with a detailed plan of action. By the way, if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to finally declutter the basement or loft and are in need of storage space, just get in touch with us and book your unit now.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Storage

Whether you’re looking for storage units for your personal belongings in Bristol or are a student interested in self-storage for the first time and want to find out more, then welcome to Stashed Away.

If you and your family have decided to move house, or extend your property, then self-storage is the solution to all of your problems! As moving house can be a very stressful time, our friendly and reliable team at Stashed Away are only too happy to help. It’s important to find somewhere safe to store all of your belongings during the big move. Even more so if you are extending your property or renovating it, as you may still need access to these items, so safe and accessible storage is vital. It also makes builders and renovators’ lives a lot simpler, as all of your possessions and belongings are out of the way, clean and safe. One less worry for everyone! Breakages and damages are also a lot more easily avoided when your belongings are stored off-site. So make sure you protect your assets today, with Stashed Away.

Self-storage for the home can also come in handy if you’re travelling for work or have a long trip planned. Even if you’re a student looking to store your things for a gap year, Stashed Away can help. All of your belongings are stored safely and securely at our local Bristol depot. Our rates are also very competitive, making us a popular choice with students.

Even if you’ve used self-storage before, we’ve compiled a list of the most common mistakes, do’s and don’t’s, and other helpful tips to use as a guide when it comes to storage units in North Bristol.

Here are our Do’s – Do seek out these attributes when choosing your self-storage solutions;

Payment options such as month by month leasing are preferable, meaning you can leave at any time, for example as soon as you’ve found your new home or place to live!

Options such as a ground floor drive-up facility will save you so much time and effort, and avoid you putting your back out!

Clean, new, bright units that are in good working order – you and your valuables deserve a clean, safe space for storage.

On-site management – this means you’ll receive expedient and a more personalised experience, tailored to you.

Don’ts – here’s our list of factors to avoid when choosing a self-storage facility;

Long-term contracts – try to avoid these as you might end up paying for extra time you haven’t used!

Multi-story units – these can be a hassle to access, especially if you need to get to your belongings regularly!

Strict payment options with no flexibility – it’s good to have options when it comes to payments.

Old, dusty and mouldy units – avoid these as it usually means their other services aren’t up to scratch either!

Companies with an off-site management office – this means if you have any trouble or queries, it may be not possible to speak to a member of the team directly, not ideal.

One-size-fits-all units – avoid these like the plague, or you might just end up paying for storage space you’re not actually using, and no one wants that!

Units where only a lock and key are the security – to ensure your items are 100% guaranteed and safe, look for companies that offer additional security. After all, your valuables are valuable web.

For more information, visit our website today!

Simple Christmas Decor Ideas For A Relaxed Holiday Season

]As the autumnal days become filled with frost and wintery weather it’s easy to become lost in the chaos of the Christmas build-up. But as we become distracted by present-buying, meal planning, and working out where those extra family members are going to stay over the Christmas break, it’s easy to let our homes become filled with unnecessary mess and clutter.

Before the festivities get fully underway, why not take some time to consider the following seasonal storage suggestions to keep your home clean, your stuff secure, and your Christmas stress-free.

Keep those Christmas present secure and secret

Many of us will take serious pride in picking and hiding our Christmas presents, so If you’re looking for a way to guarantee that your presents will not be found, why not rent a storage unit? You will be the only person to have access to your unit, and you can be sure that they will be kept safe and secure until they need to go under the tree.

De-clutter before the big day

Having friends and family stay over is a Christmas tradition for many. But you won’t be able to cater for many people if there isn’t enough space. By using a storage unit, you can make some extra room for guests this season by simply moving furniture, boxes, and clutter to a secure unit until after the big day. Your guests will have a comfortable place to stay, and you can rest assured that your belongings are safe.

One other benefit of clearing out a bit of clutter before Christmas Day? You can make a little extra space for some fantastic Christmas decorations, and the wonderful gifts that we’re sure you’ll receive. Once the festive season is over, you can then take some time to go through the items in your storage unit and decide what you want to keep or get rid of.

Store those summer items

During the winter you won’t be getting much use out of your garden furniture and equipment. But why leave them in an unsafe garden shed that’s subject to temperature changes and could be exposed to water and frost? Poor storage and security for items such as a BBQ, garden tables and chairs, and your trusty lawnmower, could result in damage that cannot be repaired.

Storing your items in a secure and temperature controlled unit will ensure that you won’t need to waste money on expensive new equipment.

Make way for winter wear

Storage units are an absolute lifesaver for fashion lovers out there. Not only can they be a fantastic solution for clothing collections, but they are also a secure solution that will protect against dust and damage. As the winter months get underway, it’s important to go through your wardrobe and clear out any summer clothes that you won’t need for a number of months. But this doesn’t mean you need to throw them out! Package them up, and stack them in a storage unit, ready to come out of hibernation in time for the summer months.

After all, winter clothing takes up so much room, and we could always do with some extra space for cosy jumpers.

Short-term storage solutions

We understand that you need your storage to be as flexible as possible, which is why short-term storage solutions are available with Stashed Away, to suit the changing of the seasons. Winter won’t last forever, and your storage unit rental doesn’t need to either.

For an affordable and transparent solution for any of your storage needs this season, Stashed Away, Bristol, is the choice for you. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. Visit our website more information on the services available, or to reserve your storage unit pouvez trouver ici.

Storage solutions to get you through the festive season

As the autumnal days become filled with frost and wintery weather it’s easy to become lost in the chaos of the Christmas build-up. But as we become distracted by present-buying, meal planning, and working out where those extra family members are going to stay over the Christmas break, it’s easy to let our homes become filled with unnecessary mess and clutter.

Before the festivities get fully underway, why not take some time to consider the following seasonal storage suggestions to keep your home clean, your stuff secure, and your Christmas stress-free.

Keep those Christmas present secure and secret

Many of us will take serious pride in picking and hiding our Christmas presents, so If you’re looking for a way to guarantee that your presents will not be found, why not rent a storage unit? You will be the only person to have access to your unit, and you can be sure that they will be kept safe and secure until they need to go under the tree.

De-clutter before the big day

Having friends and family stay over is a Christmas tradition for many. But you won’t be able to cater for many people if there isn’t enough space. By using a storage unit, you can make some extra room for guests this season by simply moving furniture, boxes, and clutter to a secure unit until after the big day. Your guests will have a comfortable place to stay, and you can rest assured that your belongings are safe.

One other benefit of clearing out a bit of clutter before Christmas Day? You can make a little extra space for some fantastic Christmas decorations, and the wonderful gifts that we’re sure you’ll receive. Once the festive season is over, you can then take some time to go through the items in your storage unit and decide what you want to keep or get rid of.

Store those summer items

During the winter you won’t be getting much use out of your garden furniture and equipment. But why leave them in an unsafe garden shed that’s subject to temperature changes and could be exposed to water and frost? Poor storage and security for items such as a BBQ, garden tables and chairs, and your trusty lawnmower, could result in damage that cannot be repaired.

Storing your items in a secure and temperature controlled unit will ensure that you won’t need to waste money on expensive new equipment.

Make way for winter wear

Storage units are an absolute lifesaver for fashion lovers out there. Not only can they be a fantastic solution for clothing collections, but they are also a secure solution that will protect against dust and damage. As the winter months get underway, it’s important to go through your wardrobe and clear out any summer clothes that you won’t need for a number of months. But this doesn’t mean you need to throw them out! Package them up, and stack them in a storage unit, ready to come out of hibernation in time for the summer months.

After all, winter clothing takes up so much room, and we could always do with some extra space for cosy jumpers.

Short-term storage solutions

We understand that you need your storage to be as flexible as possible, which is why short-term storage solutions are available with Stashed Away, to suit the changing of the seasons. Winter won’t last forever, and your storage unit rental doesn’t need to either.

For an affordable and transparent solution for any of your storage needs this season, Stashed Away, Bristol, is the choice for you. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. Visit our website more information on the services available, or to reserve your storage unit.

Commercial Storage: A retailer’s best friend

If you work in the retail industry, dealing with stock is an everyday occurrence. The same applies for at-home retailers who operate from the home. When your stock starts to take over your business space, however, it’s time to look into alternative storage solutions. If your products are perishable, this may require additional consideration to ensure that they remain fresh and suitable for sale.

Offsite storage is a cost-effective and convenient solution to store any overflow stock while ensuring that items are kept in good condition. If you need a little more convincing, here are a few more reasons why self-storage is a great solution for store-based, online, and at home retailers.

Range of contracts and storage unit sizes

Self-storage facilities typically offer a range of storage unit sizes, which means you only pay for the exact amount of space you need. Staff in these facilities will be able to advise on the best storage size for you, and it is important to take into consideration that you may need to increase this storage size as more stock is delivered. Storage facilities also offer flexible contracts for anyone looking to hire a unit, which means that you can rent storage space for short and long-term periods.

The cost of these facilities might also surprise you, as they tend to be more affordable than you might’ve thought.

High levels of security.

Storage facilities have increased levels of security as they are trusted to keep valuable items safe from theft or damage. A quality facility will combine the security of access control systems with CCTV and/or onsite security guards. With these systems in place, you can rest assured that any stock is well protected against the threat of theft.

Access to items on demand

A common misconception with self-storage facilities is that they don’t provide the necessary amount of access to your stored items. This is a complete myth. Offsite facilities will understand that you need to have access to your items at all times, which includes early mornings, evenings, and weekends. Some storage facilities may also provide a collection and delivery service, making it easier for you to get on with important tasks of the day.

For retailer’s this can be a particularly useful feature when looking to find additional storage for excess stock, whilst also managing their day-to-day business.

Temperature controlled facilities.

Stock may need specific conditions in order to be stored, and if you are unable to provide this for any excess stock at the workplace, then a storage facility offers a great alternative solution. Storage units often include temperature-controlled environments, which means items are protected against the risk of damp or fading under bright light. For perishable products, temperature conditions are absolutely vital to avoid items spoiling and becoming unfit for sale.

Clear unnecessary clutter

Whether you work in a shop, or from home, if you keep high volumes of stock it won’t be long until the start to take up valuable space.

If items are left to stack up, whether, in a stock room, or an office, there is an increased risk of damage which could mean you lose money. Keeping stock in a controlled storage environment will prevent the risk of damage, as items are carefully packed, stacked, and stored.

If you are a retailer and need a cost-effective and secure storage solution for excess stock, contact Bristol-based Stashed Away today. We provide a range of storage units with high levels of security, at affordable prices and with flexible contracts. Contact our team today on 01179 516325 to find out how we can help store your additional stock.

The perfect gift

Let’s talk Christmas gifts. Understandably, some prefer to wait until last minute to get the gifts sorted, but with just six weeks until Father Christmas’ arrival why not getting it sorted now to give you a bit more peace of mind and avoid the stressful hunt for the perfect gift in a crowded high street. But what should I buy? Every year, it is the big challenge. Finding that special gift which make our loved ones happy. We gathered some brilliant and inspiring gift ideas together for him, her and of course the kids.

For Him


This apron is a life-changer. Gone are the days with the disgusting stray hairs in the toothbrush and all over the bathroom. Simply pop this Beard Apron around the culprit’s neck, stick the suction cups to a mirror et voila, mess-free shaving!

An Underground Beer Fridge

Certainly, one of the coolest “boys toys” around. This underground beer lift consists of a tough plastic tube, sealed at one end, incorporating a clever “lift” mechanism so that you can effortlessly raise your stash of beer bottles up and out of the ground. Simply remove the lid, turn the handle 45 degrees and watch the cool beer rise up. When not in use, the three trays of beer are pushed back into the ground and totally disappear.

Camper Van MoonlightFor all the van-enthusiasts, this iconic VW Campervan is a true beauty. Whatever atmosphere you want, set the mood with this fab Campervan Moodlight. You can choose from four colours or phase through all of them for an alternative lighting experience. The van comes with a beautifully designed gift box.

For Her

Hot Water Bottle. She will love this gorgeous hot water bottle with a super soft Cashmere cover, especially during the cold evenings. The long unusual shape allows you to feel more heat over more of your body.
The hot water bottle is cased in a cashmere and merino wool sleeve that’s buttoned up with mother of pearl buttons. The blend of cashmere and merino gives a soft feel from the cashmere and the merino wool is also very comfortable, but has a clever secret!

Giant Prosecco Glass

Love a glass or two of Prosecco? This amazing giant decorative glass can hold a full bottle of fizz inside it! This glass is a true eye-catcher at your next party and the perfect gift for Prosecco lovers. Cheers.This is another genius idea for everyone who likes to keep their personal items close when relaxing in bed. Keep your reading material, phone, stationery, glasses and other personal items in this beautiful storage solution. It can be easily attached to any bed or sofa to create a large pocket suitable for storing an array of items you like to keep close.

For the Kids

Surprise your kids with these fun and delicious candy pencils. They’ll love them. An excellent prank for the classroom or an end of year present for the teacher with a sweet tooth. The candy pencils make life that little bit sweeter. The kids will love these big sticky notes. Drawing will be even more fun on these unique papers. They can draw, peel off and stick up their masterpieces straight away at school and at home. And best of all, they are quite useful for the household as well.

Retro Gaming Mat

With this unique gift you take your kids back to the the golden age of video games. It contains 200 classic video games including Pizza Boy, Balloon Shoot, Firebase and Snake, and will entertain the whole family appealing to children and grown-up gamers alike. It’s a great gift as it is easy to use and requires no installation. The Retro Gaming Mat also offers a great workout as you’ll need to stand up and stamp your feet to play.

Whatever the occasion, the Retro Gaming Mat is guaranteed to provide hours of fun and much mirth all around.